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The Journal of Pain Research published an article entitled, Bibliometric Analysis of Research Articles on Pain in the Elderly Published from 2000 to 2019. In it, over 2100 articles were included, the largest number of them from the United States. "This work provides researchers with an in-depth...

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Although women have some conditions at much higher rates than men, and experience more adverse effects than men, and may need smaller dosages than men, they are frequently lumped in the same category as men. An article discussed on the site The Hill points out that “Despite the inclusion of women...

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Diabetic foot ulcers may lead to amputation and even death. A study of the potential benefits of stem cell treatment on diabetic ulcers, in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine, “demonstrates the possibility of a novel cell injection therapy that can alleviate pain and infection, accelerate...

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Imagine a headache more painful than childbirth or kidney stones, that can last for hours at a time, for days at a time, for up to 3 months, that causes sufferers to commit suicide 3x more than the average rate. That is the cluster headache. Over 300,000 Americans endure cluster headaches. While...

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A narrative review of minocycline—a 2nd-generation, semi-synthetic tetracycline used as a broad-spectrum antibiotic with anti-inflammatory properties—was performed by researchers evaluating its effectiveness in lessening neuropathic pain. Results were published in the Journal of Pain Research. A...

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Is placebo blinding necessary? It has been thought that patient blinding to a placebo was necessary for success. However, a study published in the journal Pain compared standard placebo treatment to an open-label, or “honest” placebo. The study, of patients with irritable bowel syndrome, had two...

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Endometriosis affects about 10% of women worldwide. It can cause chronic pelvic pain, scars, bleeding, discomfort during periods and sex, infertility, and be expensive. Diagnosis may prove difficult due to symptoms being similar to other gynecological or digestive disorders, and a confirmed...

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Chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain (CINP) is seen in up to 70% of cancer patients. Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment, and CINP causes many people to terminate their chemotherapy treatments. In a study published in the Journal of Pain Research, mice were separated into 4 test groups...

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Urinary tract infections are common and hard to treat. UTIs lead to more UTIs. Researchers report findings in the PNAS journal of a new vaccine delivered directly to the bladder that would help the body fight infection through reprograming. The vaccine would destroy bladder bacteria and help prevent...

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According to the World Health Organization, phantom limb pain is experienced by 50% to 80% of the more than 40 million amputees in the world, the largest group being military veterans. Thanks to a grant of over a million dollars, the Psychedelics and Health Research Initiative at UC San Diego will...

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