| clinical trials

A Clinical Trial for Cluster Headache Treatment

A Hope for Some Pain Relief

Imagine a headache more painful than childbirth or kidney stones, that can last for hours at a time, for days at a time, for up to 3 months, that causes sufferers to commit suicide 3x more than the average rate. That is the cluster headache. Over 300,000 Americans endure cluster headaches. While there are medications for cluster headaches, some people obtain more relief from magic mushrooms or LSD. In 2020, over 125 studies of psilocybin were published.

A Yale University trial investigating the effects of an oral psilocybin pulse regimen in cluster headache is underway. The phase 1 trial's primary outcomes include times to first and last attack after completion of a pulse regimen; change in frequency/intensity/duration of attacks; and differences in the change in cluster attack frequency/intensity/duration between the 1st and 2nd round of treatment. The trial completion date is June 2021.


For more information, click here.

For more about the clinical trial, click here.

Holly Caster
