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In a study in the Journal of the American Dental Association, naltrexone as a potential treatment for chronic pain and orofacial pain in particular was evaluated. In this first in-depth, systematic review, researchers looked at reduction in pain intensity and increase in quality of life as the...

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A post on VAntage Point, the Official Blog of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, outlines studies being done on Gulf War illness (GWI). The ultimate goal is to better understand the illness and its cluster of symptoms—including pain, insomnia, headaches, memory impairment, joint pain, and...

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As outlined in a Journal of Urology article, researchers sought to confirm the theory that pollen is a culprit in flare-ups of chronic pelvic pain. A crossover study, the Multidisciplinary Approach to the study of Chronic Pelvic Pain (MAPP), looked at time lines of flare of urologic chronic pelvic...

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As reported in the journal Neuron, researchers studied the reflexes that help us avoid pain, such as pulling our hand away from a hot stove. These protective reflexes, seen even in newborns, are the result of cutaneous somatosensory modalities and sensorimotor behaviors. When the sensorimotor system...

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An article published online in Emotion states that “both smiling and grimacing can improve subjective needle pain experiences.” While receiving an injection of saline, over 230 participants held 1 of 4 facial expressions: a Duchenne smile—defined as one that reaches your eyes, with the corners...

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An article in the Journal of Pain asks, "does the mere possession of a placebo analgesic affect pain for individuals with and without immediate prior experience with the pain task?" Healthy participants were exposed to a cold pressor test, some exposed to the procedure pre-testing. The study...

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Astrocytes, a star-shaped glial cell of the central nervous system, carry general sensory information to the brain, information such as pressure, pain, and heat. Researchers in Japan have discovered a unique population of spinal cord astrocytes, found in gray matter outer layers near the back of the...

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What is the relationship between chronic coughing and chronic pain? Is there one? As reported in European Respiratory Journal, they have common neurobiological mechanisms and pathology, and confer risk on each other. In a study of over 7000 subjects, 54% had chronic pain at baseline. Chronic cough...

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A study published inJAMA Internal Medicineexpressed concern that most fibromyalgia treatment options are not supported by high-quality evidence.Almost 30,000 participants in 224 trials were included in the systemic review and analysis. Although evidence was found for cognitive behavioral therapy...

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In an online edition of the British Journal of Anaesthesia, the Perioperative Pain and Addiction Interdisciplinary Networkor PAINoutlined recommendations for patients who use cannabis. The regulation and use of marijuana products is constantly evolving. Cannabis use can alter perioperative...

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