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An unanswered question in the study of poisonous frogs has been why the animals’ neurotoxins are not lethal to the frogs themselves. Findings from a recent study conducted at University of Texas, Austin have shed new light on the mystery, and the information may be useful in the development of new...

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A new study funded by the Arthritis Foundation is now recruiting participants to test a novel pressure detecting shoe insole to determine if it can help patients with osteoarthritis of the knee to achieve improved functionality and reduced pain. Test subjects, men and women, must have osteoarthritis...

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Although antioxidants are widely considered to be beneficial in combatting cell disease and damage, results from a recent study suggest that reducing levels of an antioxidant in the colon may assist in the management of gastrointestinal inflammation. Working with mouse models, a research team from...

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In an advance on their initial discovery from 20 years ago, researchers from Harvard Medical School report new insight into the segmentation clock, the mechanism by which vertebrae are successively formed to create the spine. The new discoveries, involving the location of the clock and its mechanism...

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A previously unknown mechanism associated with risk for development of osteoporosis, a major health concern for older adults, has been identified through new research from University of Alabama at Birmingham. In their study of mouse models, the team found that the protein Cbf-beta regulates the...

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A team of researchers from Wayne State University and the University of Michigan Medical Center reports encouraging results from a randomized clinical trial of a novel psychological therapy for fibromyalgia. The treatment approach, called Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET) encourages...

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A survey conducted by researchers from Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, concludes that medical students are not receiving adequate training on the engagement and prescribing of medical marijuana. With cannabis currently legal for medical purposes in 29 states and the District of...

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A research team from UC Davis, UCLA and other institutions concludes that early-stage breast cancer patients who have been treated with chemotherapy are at elevated risk for development of painful peripheral neuropathy, which can persist for years after completion of treatment. Their work was...

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Researchers from Mayo Clinic report that targeting senescent cells--cells that are associated with aging and age-related disease--can reverse bone loss and promote an increase in bone mass and strength. Their work with mouse models may open a path to the development of new and more effective...

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The comorbidities of pain and sleep have been extensively discussed at PAINWeek, and a new study conducted by researchers from Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan examines the interaction of sleep loss and postoperative pain. Senior author Giancarlo Vanini, MD, assistant professor of...

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