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Newswise — Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Australia and seven other medical institutions report that an experimental drug called vosoritide, which interferes with certain proteins that block bone growth, allowed the average annual growth rate to...

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Newswise — More Americans are being diagnosed with eye complications of shingles, but older adults can call the shots on whether they are protected from the painful rash that can cost them their eyesight.

Among a group of 21 million adults, occurrences of herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO), when...

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Newswise — Charles R. Broderick, an alumnus of Harvard University and MIT, has made gifts to both alma maters to support fundamental research into the effects of cannabis on the brain and behavior.

The total gift of $9 million ($4.5 million to each institution) represents the largest donation to...

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Researchers at the Neuromuscular Disease Clinic at Washington University School of Medicine have identified a previously unknown autoimmune muscle disease that, if correctly identified, can be effectively treated with targeted therapies. Large-histiocyte-related immune myopathy (LHIM) causes sudden...

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Trigeminal neuralgia is considered to be a challenging pain condition to treat, with prognosis for sufferers usually assumed to be poor. But findings from a new observational study conducted by researchers from the Danish Headache Center and other institutions suggest that the outlook may not be so...

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Pediatric sports related concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury the symptoms from which include headache, confusion, memory loss, and dizziness. Typically, these subside within a month of the event, but some cases do not resolve for much longer periods, and a simple test may now be able to...

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An international team of researchers working at the Van Andel Research Institute (VARI), Grand Rapids, Michigan, has announced a significant advance that could inform the development of new medications for treatment of osteoporosis and cancer. The breakthrough involves imaging of the parathyroid...

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Tendon irritation, or tendonitis, is a common workplace or sports related injury for which current treatment options are limited and restrictive to sufferers’ lives. Rowena McBeath, MD, PhD, cell biologist and surgeon at the Philadelphia Hand to Shoulder Center at Jefferson Health, explained, “The...

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The FK506-binding protein 51, or FKBP51 has been implicated as a causal agent for chronic pain, obesity, and major depression, but until now it has not been possible to inhibit this protein without affecting other similar proteins. But new research using mouse models has identified a specific...

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According to Centers for Disease Control statistics, the incidence of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) among adolescents is relatively high, with 10% of boys and 25% of girls conducting such behavior each year. A new study led by researchers at Rutgers University sought to examine what the authors...

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