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Newswise — Loyola Medicine is among the first centers to offer a new minimally invasive prostate biopsy that minimizes the risk of infection and may increase the cancer detection rate.

It's called the transperineal prostate biopsy.

A urologist may recommend a biopsy if a digital rectal exam or...

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Newswise — An international research team has developed a new strategy that can predict the potential clinical implications of new therapeutic compounds based on simple cellular responses. This discovery was partly led by scientists affiliated with Université de Montréal (UdeM), and represents a...

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Newswise — How many stars are there in the observable universe? It was once deemed an impossible question, but astronomers have gleaned an answer—about one billion trillion of them.

Now, scientists at Harvard Medical School and Joslin Diabetes Center have embarked on what could be a similarly...

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Newswise — The bacterial disease Leptospirosis poses a serious health threat to the residents of Puerto Rico, as new research, conducted in part at Texas State University, suggests that the disease is far more widespread on the island than previously believed.

Leptospirosis is a potentially...

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Newswise — Medical doctors in the United States are twice as likely to experience symptoms of burnout as other workers, which can compromise quality of care and place patients at risk. In a study in JAMA Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic researchers suggest a new approach to fighting burnout: external...

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Newswise — PITTSBURGH – Pinch yourself. If you feel pain, it’s thanks to specialized nerve endings in the skin. And, in a surprising discovery, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine demonstrated that pain-sensing nerves also help fight skin infections and prevent its spread...

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Newswise — In experiments in mice, Johns Hopkins researchers say they have developed a technique that facilitates the precise placement of cancer drugs at their intended targets in the brain. This approach pairs a technique that guides a catheter through the brain’s arteries with positron emission...

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Newswise — A worldwide coalition of researchers and clinicians has agreed that light therapy is among the most effective interventions for the prevention of oral mucositis, painful ulcers in the mouth resulting from cancer therapy.

The new guidelines from the Multinational Association of...

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Newswise — Scientists at McMaster University have identified new biomarkers for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in urine, which could lead to better treatments and reduce the need for costly and invasive colonoscopy procedures currently used for diagnosis.

Little is known about the causes of IBS...

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Newswise — Not all burning mouths are the result of a medical condition known as “burning mouth syndrome” (BMS) and physicians and researchers need better standards for an appropriate diagnosis, according to new research at the School of Dental Medicine at Case Western Reserve University.

BMS is...

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