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45 years ago, Tommy John, pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers, had his baseball career salvaged by a new surgical procedure to repair a torn ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) that provides critical stability for the elbow. Eventually acquiring the name Tommy John surgery, the technique involves...

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Researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine report that they have identified blood biomarkers that can provide an objective measurement of pain and have developed a prototype blood test for possible clinical use. Lead researcher Alexander Niculescu, MD, PhD, professor in the department of...

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New research conducted by a team from Université Paris-Saclay and Université Paris Descartes may represent another advance toward the quest for a new molecule that provides analgesia without addiction. The team’s work centers on naturally occurring peptides such as enkephalin that bind to opioid...

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Findings from a recent study shed new light on the mechanism behind inflammation and bone loss that frequently occurs following joint replacement surgery. The research, conducted by a team from the Center for Immunity and Inflammation at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, investigated the action of...

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Conclusions from a new international study suggest that smartphone use is a risk factor for neck pain and that young people are experiencing this so-called “text neck” at earlier ages than previous generations. The research team from the University of South Australia and Khon Kaen University...

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Researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine report that they have isolated a cellular protein, WISP-1, that can be manipulated to control the developmental activity of perivascular stem cells, influencing them to favor either bone building or fat formation. The discovery could become a major advance in...

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A clinical trial is now underway to test the efficacy of a new implantable device that is intended to prevent or forestall the need for knee replacement surgery while alleviating pain from knee osteoarthritis. The Calypso Knee System was developed by Moximed, Inc. as a new option for the treatment...

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New insights into pain pathways suggest that existing approaches to assessing the efficacy of novel compounds for pain may be flawed, leading to the discounting of possibly effective candidates. A research team led by investigators from Harvard Medical School reports that it has identified the nerve...

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A research team from University of California, San Diego and the Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience will be working to test the efficacy of a new compound discovered by the National Institutes of Health as a nonopioid treatment alternative for chronic pain. The compound, ML351, inhibits the...

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Patients who suffer chronic colitis and inflammatory bowel disease are at risk for development of colorectal dysplasia and colorectal cancer (CRC). Colorectal neoplasia (CRN), an abnormal cell mass that can be either benign or malignant, is often monitored as an early sign of cancer. A recent study...

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