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A potential major advance in the treatment of arthritis and other chronic inflammatory conditions has been announced by researchers from Washington University School of Medicine and Shriners Hospitals, St. Louis, in collaboration with colleagues from Duke University and Cytex Therapeutics, Inc...

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Undiagnosed low pressure headache can lead to years of patient suffering as a result of misdiagnosis, inappropriate treatment, stigma, and even suspicion of psychogenic pain. Dr. Carroll introduces his patient, Kristen Garnell, in a discussion of what primary care clinicians should know about...

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Dr. James Fricton, a professor and senior researcher, outlines transformative care and how it improves patient treatment. What should practitioners know about this strategy to help educate their patients?

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Pharmacotherapy and polypharmacy pose special risks for elderly patients, and the use of interventional strategies is increasingly recognized as important for this population. Dr. Bottros reviews some options to consider.

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Pain is important. It’s called the fifth vital sign. That partially led to patient satisfaction scores, the HCAHPS scores, and two or three of those are based on pain. And even though they are hospital-based scores, your experience starts in the emergency department. So there’s talk about taking...

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With this new awareness of pain management in the Emergency Department, there’s a lot more interest and a lot more research being done. There’s still long ways for us to go developing actual tools that can be used in the ED setting. All the tools that are currently available are not really designed...

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A former Buddist monk and current Chief Zen Officer explains that focusing on pain, but not judging it, can bring a type of awareness that helps pain patients feel more in control.

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The nationwide opioid abuse epidemic has directed a lot of attention from the state and federal levels on the primary care provider. The CDC guidelines for the prescribing of opioids for acute pain can do a lot to help a provider to steel himself or herself in the event that there is inquiry into...

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New research undertaken by engineers at Washington University, St. Louis is attempting to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms connecting force to neurological damage that occurs in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Although the membranes separating the brain from the skull are known to play a...

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Transformative care is as much about training and treatments as it is about using a team to work with the patients. Most of the pain clinics have followed this protocol very well. But still, there is an overemphasis on passive treatments as the primary care strategy for these patients. In actuality...

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