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The challenges of acute pain management and addiction progression can be met. Debra B. Gordon, RN, DNP, FAAN, gives some pointers.

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Results from a new study suggest that a common surgical approach for the treatment of tennis elbow may provide no more therapeutic benefit than placebo. The randomized double-blind study compared 2 groups of patients who reported symptoms of tennis elbow for at least 6 months, and had undergone at...

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Researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine report that they have discovered the mechanism by which electroacupuncture relieves injury-induced pain and promoted tissue repair. The authors assert that their work is the first to elucidate how electroacupuncture stimulates the...

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Researchers at University of Utah, in collaboration with colleagues from Duke University and Washington University, St. Louis, have announced a new approach to pain management via modulating genes that reduce inflammation in cells and tissues. The approach used CRISPR (Clustered Regularly...

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New research conducted at UC Davis Health concludes that primary care clinicians and patients disagree substantially over the goals of pain treatment. While patients prioritize a reduction in pain intensity and, secondarily, an understanding of the cause of their pain, clinicians place greater...

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Drs. Hendry and Sheikh, both of whom work in emergency medicine, discuss what has changed and what needs to change in the ED.

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We will discuss the difficulties in diagnosing and treating a patient with a significant neurological entity who develops a "Catch-22." This Catch-22 may prevent appropriate testing and therefore impede finding the correct diagnosis and treatment. (Recorded at PAINWeek 2016)

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This interactive course will instruct participants in how to begin implementation of an outpatient functional restoration program for chronic pain, ie, intensive integrated coaching for self-care for wellness. The model will be the Atlanta VA Health System's Empower Veterans Program (EVP). EVP help...

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Pain is a very common complaint in the emergency department (ED) yet it presents in various ways. The hectic nature of the ED is not always conducive to obtaining the "real story." ED practitioners can be misled by prehospital reports, triage notes, vital signs, past history, and personal biases...

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Ketamine, known on the street as "special K," is a dissociative anesthetic with hallucinogenic properties and is classified as a controlled substance. Its unique mechanism as an N-methyl-Daspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist is thought to be responsible for many of the drug's most promising...

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