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Researchers at Hospital of Special Surgery (HSS), New York are initiating a new study of the effectiveness of intravenous (IV) acetaminophen as an opioid-sparing approach to pain management following hip replacement surgery. Geoffrey Westrich, MD, research director of the Adult Reconstruction and...

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Surgeons at Loyola University Health System are spotlighting ankle replacement surgery, also known as ankle arthroplasty, as a treatment option for patients with severe ankle arthritis who are not helped by other approaches. As their condition worsens, sufferers can become increasingly sedentary...

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Encouraging results from a new therapeutic approach to treating bone joint conditions, including osteoarthritis and joint injury, have been reported by orthopedic physicians at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Lipogems®, a suction device that received FDA approval in November 2016, enables...

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Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania are voicing concern over disparate opioid prescribing patterns for minor injuries and the contribution of these to the public health crisis of opioid abuse and overdose death. In an examination of patient records of...

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Approval for the first viscosupplement agent in the United States came 19 years ago. It has been used in different forms for well over two decades in multiple different medical fields ranging from cosmetics all the way to neurosurgery. It also has application to the management of disability and pain...

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The impact of catastrophizing behavior on treatment outcomes for patients with chronic pain has been considered at some length in the PAINWeek curriculum. Robert Gatchel, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Arlington, has edited one of the first special issues devoted to the...

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Last week, the FDA released a draft of proposed changes to its extended release and long-acting (ER/LA) opioid analgesics REMS program that for the first time advocate for the education of healthcare providers on chiropractic care and acupuncture as therapeutic options for the management of chronic...

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A professor of anesthesiology outlines the mechanisms underlying sensory amplification, and how these may be associated with various central pain states. Pharmacological and nonpharmacological options for treatment are also discussed

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Maintaining sufficient levels of adenosine, a biochemical involved in human cellular function, may prevent the onset of osteoarthritis, as reported by researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center working with rodent models. According to the authors, if similar results can be replicated in humans...

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A study conducted by researchers from Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, UC San Diego offers confirmation of small study and anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of ketamine as an antidepressant. The research team examined the FDA Adverse Effect Reporting System (FAERS) for...

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