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I’m not sure if odd is necessarily the right word. They’re odd in the sense that not everyone gets them after these certain types of surgeries. It’s only a subset of patients that tend to get long sequelae of pain after these surgeries. So I guess in that way, it’s odd, but they are actually pretty...

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Odd neuropathic pain disorders are a problem in the United States and across the world. Some of the more common ones that we tend to see are post mastectomy syndrome, post thoracotomy syndrome, and post inguinal hernia repair syndrome. They’re typically considered neuropathic pain states. They’re...

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Fibromyalgia remains a challenge to diagnose and to treat. Dr. Stanos discusses some of the complexities of the condition, and some recent insights into etiology. Options for primary care intervention are also considered.

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A variety of metabolic disorders, such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy, can predispose the patient to peripherial nerve entrapment and lower extremity pain. A podiatric surgeon focusing on lower extremity nerve surgery outlines what clinicians should know about the relationship, diagnostic and...

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Peripheral nerve entrapment is predisposed many times by metabolic disorders. We know that when a nerve has a metabolic disorder such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy, it causes that nerve to function differently. It causes it to swell. It has a higher water content.  It becomes heavier. It has a...

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Over the last decade, it’s become very clear that many people who experience widespread pain or maybe first experience pain in their distal extremities, burning pain, difficulties with sweating, difficulties with bowel function, difficulties with urination, may be experiencing small fiber neuropathy...

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Small fiber neuropathies are becoming better understood, from recognition of their frequency, to more accurate diagnosis and recognition of causal factors. A prominent neurologist overviews this often underappreciated condition and outlines some options for management.

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Dr. Mackey summarizes his PAINWeek presentation on the mechanisms and impact of neuropathic pain, with guidance on clinical assessment and approaches to treatment with emphasis on pharmacological options.

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We don’t have very precise tools to evaluate the way the nervous system functions. We have electrophysiological studies like EMG and nerve conduction velocity assessments, but they’re often negative in people who have widespread or other localized pain complaints, and people have been told that that...

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Therapeutic neuroscience education is helping patients to understand chronic pain from a neurophysiology perspective. It teaches patients very basic things about the physiology of our nervous system, how the brain gets involved in producing pain, and helps people to understand exactly what changes...

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