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Treatment of neuropathic pain requires a multidisciplinary plan made up of multiple components. It requires a personalized strategy that engages psychological approaches, procedural approaches, complementary or alternative medicine techniques, physical and occupational therapies, and then also...

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There’s much that you can do to help your patients with postherpetic neuralgia—including how you manage referrals. In this segment, a professor of neurology offers insights for primary care clinicians on diagnosing and managing postherpetic neuralgia, including patient discussion to effectively set...

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Some observations on pain mechanisms, diagnostic testing and back pain that underlie an effective clinical approach to management and treatment.

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Comments on the prevalence of CRPS and its relation to fibromyalgia from a practitioner and professor of neurology.

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Another common pain syndrome that occurs in older adults is postherpetic neuralgia or shingles pain. This is something that I think is really underappreciated. Essentially, what we’re looking at is that when we’re young, many of us develop chickenpox. As we age, the varicella-zoster virus that...

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When you go to the textbooks, historically speaking, there was no mention of pain associated with neuromuscular disorders. Most--including Charcot-Marie-Tooth (which is a hereditary neuropathy) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, most forms of muscular dystrophy--conditions were described as painless and...

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