| Podcast

Chronic pain affects 100 million US adults. It is the #1 reason people are out of work. It is the leading reason that people seek medical attention, costing the nation upwards of $635 billion annually--more than heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combined. Given the burden of unmanaged pain in...

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This session will explore an interdisciplinary team approach for the treatment of pain and autonomic dysfunction and will look closely at chronic pain as a biopsychosocial disease. A pharmacotherapy guide for CRPS will be reviewed, along with a comparison of FM and MPS and treatments for diabetic...

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Pain science education has gained international praise as an underutilized clinical intervention for treating pain. Research supports teaching patients about pain using a neurophysiology framework, rather than explaining pain in biomedical or biomechanical terms. To "explain pain, not anatomy" is...

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Approximately 40 million people in the United States suffer from peripheral neuropathy and a growing subset of those appear to suffer from small fiber neuropathy. This presentation will review the causes and symptoms of small fiber neuropathy, a grossly underappreciated painful disorder that...

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There are a number of common neuropathic pain syndromes, such as complex regional pain syndrome, postherpetic neuralgia, and diabetic neuropathy, that have established diagnostic and treatment paradigms. There also are a number of neuropathic pain disorders that are as common but less understood and...

| Podcast

Fibromyalgia has frequently been referred to as the most common chronic widespread pain disorder. Many investigators have viewed fibromyalgia as a central nervous system disorder of sensory amplification resulting in many symptoms including chronic pain. Recently, however, others have reported...

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Arachnoiditis is officially listed as a rare disease, but its estimated incidence has increased over about 400% in the past decade. Almost every pain practice has now encountered a case. Technically, the name implies an inflammatory disease of the arachnoid layer of the thecal sac or meninges. In...

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Researchers at Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan, in cooperation with the American Diabetes Association (ADA) have developed updated recommendations for primary care on the classification, prevention, and management of diabetic neuropathy. The new position statement updates previous guidance...

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Common neuropathic conditions such as CRPS, postherpethic neuralgia, and diabetic neuropathy have established diagnostic and treatment paradigms. But what about neuropathic disorders that are less frequently encountered? Drs. Badiola and Yi introduce some of these, and what primary care...

| Article

New research on rodent models undertaken by scientists from the US and Canada has discovered that blocking a specific molecular signaling pathway can promote sensory neuron growth and prevent or reverse peripheral neuropathy. Building on previous research into peripheral nerve regeneration, the team...

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