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The ancient Sumerians first cultivated the poppy plant for its opium in 3000 BC. The analgesic properties of opium were formalized into morphine and later commercialized by Merck Pharmaceuticals in 1827. To this date, morphine and its derivatives are effectively used for treating acute pain. In...

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Safety concerns, new warnings, and new formulations focused on harm reduction have led many providers to question NSAIDs place in therapy. NSAIDs have been a cornerstone of pain management of inflammatory, connective tissue, and autoimmune disorders for over a hundred years. A historical perspective...

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Breakfast will be served.

*This session is not certified for credit.

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Why yet another lecture on migraine headaches, you ask? Migraine is the third most common disease in the world (behind dental caries and tension-type headache) with an estimated global prevalence of approximately 15% (that's around 1 in 7 people). Migraine is more prevalent than diabetes, epilepsy...

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Coffee will be served.

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Overlooking the importance of carefully documenting the rationale for the use of a controlled medication can land a prescriber in hot water with their licensing board or the DEA. This course will focus on what it takes to move beyond the problems associated with both EMR and handwritten medical...

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Challenge accepted. Our country has made numerous strides in advancing patient care, and more particularly conducting efforts to ensure that lives within the national opioid crisis are saved and/or improved. One of those positive strides involves the FDA approval of abuse deterrent formulation (ADF)...

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