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Safety concerns, new warnings, and new formulations focused on harm reduction have led many providers to question NSAIDs place in therapy. NSAIDs have been a cornerstone of pain management of inflammatory, connective tissue, and autoimmune disorders for over a hundred years. A historical perspective...

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Coffee will be served.

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With 47 states having passed legislation for the use of medicinal cannabis in some form or another, and the growing number of states passing legislation allowing for the use of recreational cannabis by their residents, the country is awash with green. Does cannabis have true utility as a medicine...

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Topical analgesics are often recommended in clinical practice, but differences between formulations and routes of administration lead to confusion. In addition to commercially prepared topical analgesics, compounded topical analgesics are highly promoted and widely utilized from compounding...

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Refreshments will be served.

*This session is not certified for credit.

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Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is the most common form of acquired spinal stenosis caused by biomechanical narrowing of the spinal canal and the associated neuroforamen that eventually lead to compression of neural fibers resulting in pain and disability. Neurogenic claudication as a...

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Lunch will be served.

Sponsored by AstraZeneca-Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.

*This session is not certified for credit.

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