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Pharmacogenetics provides an opportunity for individualized drug selection and dosing. The question remains whether or not the cost of testing and phenotype identification provides optimal outcomes for the patient and opportunities for providers to more precisely target therapy. Lab companies have...
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Pharmacogenetics is an emerging field and is defined as the variability in drug response due to genetics. Genetic differences can be divided into pharmacokinetic (what the body does to the drug) and pharmacodynamic (what the drug does to the body) biomarkers. Pharmacokinetic biomarkers include...
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Complex medication decisions are an integral part of treating patients with pain and palliative care. Pharmacists have a unique perspective on using these medications creatively and effectively. This session will flirt with tips and tricks on using medications appropriately for patients with chronic...
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To provide high quality care for individuals with pain, a healthcare practitioner should have current knowledge of clinical standards, analyze each patient's medical needs, and create an individualized treatment plan. Similarly, to provide high quality legal counsel to pain care practitioners, an...
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Humans have been searching for the Fountain of Youth for millennia. Some people feel that regenerative medicine is that magical fountain while others believe it is a fad. As with many emerging topics, there is curiosity and confusion. While the regenerative medicine field is relatively new to most...
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It is estimated that up to 21% of women worldwide experience significant pain during intercourse at some point in their lifetime. Research shows that most women suffer in silence for years before they obtain proper care. Pain during intercourse, or dyspareunia, can be classified into superficial...
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New paradigms of patient care postsurgery (such as spinal surgery) utilizing both pre- and postoperative multimodal approaches to analgesia, nonopioid medications specifically, will be discussed. Included in the course will be presurgical and immediate postoperative medications, and both acute and...
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Patients with chronic pain are less active than average, exposing them to increasing risks of comorbid conditions, resulting in decreasing functional status for ADLs and low activity ability. This cycle results in low tolerance for physical activities; decreased participation in school, workforce...
| Podcast
Motivational interviewing is a patient centered, collaborative style of communication that represents one tool to help clinicians overcome the challenges of conversations surrounding opioid tapers. MI can help strengthen motivation and interest in health behavior change. With regard to initiating an...
| Podcast
Overdose--a small word that packs a major punch, and a big reason for many recent legal regulatory changes in controlled substance prescribing and pain management. Too many physicians and allied healthcare practitioners are caught unawares by the legal issues surrounding overdose events, fatal and...
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