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Since the Roman Empire, electricity has been used in the field of medicine for treating pain. In the era of modern medicine, the field of neuromodulation has entered its renaissance with the introduction of novel wave forms such as HF10, burst closed loop, and noninvasive vagal nerve stimulation...
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This presentation will discuss the basic concepts of the evaluation of patients with various degrees of sacroiliac joint dysfunction, including presenting symptoms and pain referral patterns. Basic exam findings and special tests and their respective predictive values will be demonstrated. The...
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Many frontline practitioners often describe feeling like they are “held hostage” by their chronic pain patients. A lot can be learned from reviewing hostage negotiation techniques used in real-life crisis situations. These negotiation strategies typically yield a 95% success rate, which is a...
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The prevalence of back pain continues in spite of the many treatments available, without any single treatment being a panacea. In routine clinical practice there has been a tendency of clinical examinations to become more cursory, largely influenced by increasing demands of time and arguably an...
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Altered sensory acuity occurs at spinal and supraspinal levels via sensitization and chronicity. Cortical changes including imprecision of the somatosensory homunculus have been evidenced with fMRI and identified in a wide variety of musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain. However, these changes can...
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Currently there are more than a dozen abuse deterrent formulations (ADF) on the market, and several formulations that have abuse deterrent properties but do not carry the official FDA designation. This session will highlight what constitutes an ADF, and the benefits, pitfalls, and drawbacks for...
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Although endometriosis is the most common condition identified among women with dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain, its evaluation and management presents many challenges to practicing clinicians. This lecture will provide participants with a practical and state-of-the art approach to the care of...
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Washington was one of the first states to legislate prescribing rules for the treatment of chronic pain, a unique model which relied on the use of a dosage trigger and the necessity to calculate morphine equivalency. Following Washington’s lead, other states and the Centers for Disease Control and...
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Pelvic pain is a global problem affecting people across the gender spectrum through a limitation of quality of life, a loss of pleasure, and often a loss of hope for recovery. This session will outline the interdisciplinary options for taking advantage of current pain science as a framework to...
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Understanding pain can be challenging, and using models or theories can simplify the complex. When treating people who have persistent pain, having a framework to reference is imperative, informative, and supports clinical reasoning. What is the gate control theory? Who introduced the neuromatrix...
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