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The research has been interesting because obviously the debate hasn't been resolved, but it's becoming refined enough now that I think there are some key bits of information that we can get move on in future studies that will help improve clinical practice and help us understand what type of benefit...

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An engineering team from Vanderbilt University has developed a smart, mechanized undergarment that may be of benefit in reducing the incidence of back pain and injury, according to their reported testing. The design won a Young Investigator Award last month at the Congress of the International...

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The main mechanism of action of botulinum toxins that's been well established is the inhibition of the release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic terminals. This action caused in the affected organ, typically in most cases muscle, is the weakening of contraction of the muscle and that could be...

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There are some common pain complaints that you’ll see in the elderly, such as sacroiliitis or chronic low back pain that might be due to facetogenic osteoarthritis. These are conditions that we can see anywhere from 25% to 40% of patients, and even more so in the elderly. Looking at older patients...

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A study of a unique multidisciplinary psychological pain program at Toronto General Hospital has returned encouraging results in the form of enhanced functionality and quality of life, and reduced reliance on opioid therapy. The Transitional Pain Service (TPS) is described by practitioners at...

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I liken pain management to a team sport. We need all the right players on the team. As physicians, and we all look at patients through a certain lens. But working at Stanford and also observing other places, I appreciate the value that pain psychology brings, that physical therapy brings, that all...

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The CDC guidelines and also the National Pain Strategy emphasize the role of behavioral factors, of pain psychology in the experience and treatment of pain. Most primary care physicians may not be aware of the critical role that psychology plays in the pain experience and in patient’s treatment...

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Approval for the first viscosupplement agent in the United States came 19 years ago. It has been used in different forms for well over two decades in multiple different medical fields ranging from cosmetics all the way to neurosurgery. It also has application to the management of disability and pain...

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Last week, the FDA released a draft of proposed changes to its extended release and long-acting (ER/LA) opioid analgesics REMS program that for the first time advocate for the education of healthcare providers on chiropractic care and acupuncture as therapeutic options for the management of chronic...

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The use of interventional procedures is probably going to increase due to the CDC guidelines, because they are emphasizing non-opioid, and non-pharmacological therapies. So this is an important area for primary care doctors to understand, specifically if we look at patients with low back pain, one...

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