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Despite its widespread use as a treatment modality for pain, the results of controlled trials of acupuncture efficacy have returned mixed results. Dr. Harris reviews the evidence including emerging approaches that may help to determine if analgesia from acupuncture derives from placebo or from...

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Dr. Napadow discusses some recent advances in neuromodulation that have advanced the utility of the modality for the treatment of chronic pain conditions. Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation is one such promising approach that has shown clinical benefit in the treatment of migraine. New wearable...

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Integrative medicine is the culture change that the Institute of Medicine has called for in treating pain. Dr. Tick discusses its importance in contrast to today's disease management approach, and considers the special influence of nutrition on chronic pain. The quality and composition of our diet...

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Orofascial pain and its associated disorders are complex and frequently overlooked. Dr. James Fricton discusses why.

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Substantial evidence suggests that lifestyle factors can be of significant benefit in the management of symptoms, including pain, resulting from multiple sclerosis (MS). A recent study appearing in the journal Frontiers of Neurology adds further weight to this consensus, finding that regular...

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We need to understand the importance of the brain and patient's pain and try to take steps to figure out in an individual patient to what degree is the brain driving their pain and to what degree is the body driving their pain. Because in some sense, the treatments we use to target the brain are...

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Recent press coverage highlights the work of congressional representatives and key opinion leaders to impact insurance carrier policy with respect to nonopioid and abuse deterrent opioid treatment alternatives for pain. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) recently sent a letter to the CEOs of UnitedHealth...

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Unfortunately, central sensitization is one of those conditions that's really not very well understood by most practitioners. It's not something that's taught in medical schools, it's not even been something that's been focused on in residency or fellowship programs. So, what's central sensitization...

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Recent small studies of the distraction power of virtual reality suggest that VR may assist patients in their responses to pain. The end goal is reduced opioid reliance. Although VR is not regarded as a treatment by itself, lead study author Dr. Anita Gupta of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and...

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“New Therapeutic Targets for Osteoarthritis Pain” is the title of a review examining emerging therapies and potential future treatment directions for osteoarthritis (OA) pain. Authored by David Walsh, Professor, and Joanne Stocks, Translational Research Facilitator, with the Arthritis Research UK...

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