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Catastrophizing is a set of negative cognitive and emotional responses to pain that encompasses factors like feelings of helplessness when in pain.  People who catastrophize feel that there’s nothing they can do about the pain that they’re having. They ruminate about pain. They can’t get thoughts of...

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Dr. Schatman critiques the present state of affairs in medical marijuana and illuminates a more promising path for exploration in pain therapy.

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Myofascial pain syndrome is a very common diagnosis in pain clinics.  We know that probably 85% of the people seen in a tertiary care pain clinic have myofascial pain syndrome either as a primary or a secondary diagnosis, and pretty much everything that we see, such as radiculopathy and nerve damage...

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Options, Outcomes, Risks, and Complications

The procedures that we do in interventional pain medicine to alleviate pain, improve function and enhance quality of life are sometimes misunderstood and not clearly elaborated to the medical community. There are a range of pain conditions that...

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I am very fortunate and honored to represent the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians who have led the way in teaching and implementation of interventional pain medicine. IPM techniques are effectively applied to spinal pain, the most prevalent pain we have. They are also effective for...

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In my clinical experience, the most commonly seen foot condition--and also a reason for referral to see a specialist--is plantar fasciitis. Other conditions that the primary care clinician will see include trauma, ankle sprains, and fractures. Less commonly seen conditions of the foot and ankle...

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Our goal, as part of the multidisciplinary team, is to help patients who have pain issues, treat them compassionately, treat them effectively, minimize the burden to the patient, minimize the burden to the family, maintain functional independence and help prevent damage to the community at large...

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The cannabinoid system is just beginning to be explored and exploited in the pain world and neuropathic pain is what comes to mind a lot when people think of using medical marijuana. We have good data showing that an inhaled cannabinoid will help with pain, particularly neuropathic pain. It helps...

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The three treatments that have been studied the most, and have pretty good evidence to support them, are biofeedback, cognitive behavioral treatment, and acceptance and mindfulness-based treatments. We’re starting to think a lot about subgroups of patients that may benefit more from one or another...

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Dr. Blatman discusses some of the health and pain concerns that women confront at mid-life, and offers some non-pharmacologic options for treatment,

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