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Doctors Gourlay and Heit, specialists in the arena of pain and addition, explore some of the more common issues confronting the primary care clinician in the management of long-term opioid prescribing. The focus is on the challenges of the inherited patient.

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Ultrasound was started by Karl Dussik in the 1930s and’40s and he was trying to diagnose intracranial tumors. Things have progressed extensively over the last several decades and so ultrasound is now being used to help locate peripheral nerves and to help coordinate injections and to even show some...

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The role of diet in provoking inflammation and subsequent pain is substantially underappreciated. Dr. Blatman offers pointers to frontline clinicians on what to look for and how to educate patients on the importance of nutrition and dietary selection to the prevention of pain and to the...

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Low Risk, High Reward for Musculoskeletal Pain and Tissue Injury

Simply defined, prolotherapy--short for proliferation therapy--is a treatment that stimulates the repair of painful areas. It has been around since the 1930’s and in a nutshell it’s an injection treatment that stimulates repair of...

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Why is chronic regional pain syndrome such a frustrating and challenging patient presentation? Dr. Cheatle considers this question, and outlines a successful algorithm for treating the condition at its onset. He also discusses an emerging treatment modality that shows promise for CRPS and other...

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Peripheral nerve entrapment is predisposed many times by metabolic disorders. We know that when a nerve has a metabolic disorder such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy, it causes that nerve to function differently. It causes it to swell. It has a higher water content.  It becomes heavier. It has a...

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Over the last decade, it’s become very clear that many people who experience widespread pain or maybe first experience pain in their distal extremities, burning pain, difficulties with sweating, difficulties with bowel function, difficulties with urination, may be experiencing small fiber neuropathy...

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Why is complex regional pain syndrome so challenging? I think part of the debate is what really constitutes CRPS, because it’s really a difficult diagnosis. You can see flagrant cases of it where you’ll get some atrophy and you’ll get color changes, temperature changes. Typically diagnostic tests...

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Roughly 40 percent of anyone’s chronic pain comes from their food. If your pain is worse or you’re having a bad day there’s a reason for it and the most overlooked reason is our food. The food that we eat causes tremendous amounts of inflammation and if we’re eating inflammatory foods, that turns...

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Morton’s neuralgia, as it turns out, is not a true growth of the nerve, but is a compression-type injury of the peripheral nerve as it is in the plantar aspect of the foot, heading out towards the toes. It produces some remarkable symptoms that have folks limping in through the door. The diagnostic...

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