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In an effort to address the healthcare needs of military personnel with traumatic brain injury (TBI), the College of Nursing at the Florida Atlantic University has initiated the M.O.M. project. Mind Over Matter aims to help those with this “invisible wound of war”: TBI affects about 30% of those in...

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The pain of kidney stones has been likened to being “worse than childbirth” or “like a knife in the gut from the inside.” Invasive procedures to break up the stones isn’t much fun either. A new clinical trial is using ultrasound waves to break up any leftover fragments after surgery to enable...

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In an effort to uncover therapies that will modify diseases, researchers sought a better understanding of precipitating molecular events. Reporting their findings in the journal of Science Advances, the scientists found that immobilizing N-acylethanolamine acid amidase (NAAA) at a specific time...

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In an article published in the Science Translational Medicine journal, researchers offer potential future treatment for those with axial spondyloarthritis (SpA). Inflammation from this painful and debilitating disease impacts joints and the spine, and even eyes and skin. While investigating the role...

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Although most of us will never get to travel to outer space, we (unfortunately) share something with those who have: back pain. The journal of Anesthesiology reports that, along with an increase in commercial space travel, practitioners can expect to see even more patients with back pain. The...

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For people with an injured spinal cord, numbness, pain, and paralysis may occur due to brain/body damaged communication lines. Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have given mice fenofibrate, a cholesterol lowering medication. The drug helps heal the central...

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Researchers in an article published in this month’s BMJ ask, does medical cannabis relieve cancer or noncancer related chronic pain? They examined at around 30 trials with over 5100 patients given oral or topical medical cannabis. Results compared with placebo:

  • Noninhaled medical cannabis led to...

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A cross-sectional data study involving 22,273 RNs, over 550 hospitals, and data from more than 1.4 million patients sought to determine “whether involving more nurse practitioners (NPs) in inpatient care produces better outcomes…” The answer is a resounding YES. Among the findings comparing...

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Information in a preprint article, as yet not peer reviewed, aims to better understand the brain’s reward system via the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) circuits. Via fMRI, researchers compared healthy controls and patients with fibromyalgia, looking at NAcc medial prefrontal cortexes (MPFC), functional...

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Early detection for dementia or stroke risk could improve outcomes. In a retrospective cohort study reported in Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, researchers used Framingham Heart Study data. After determining widespread pain, and those who were dementia-free at baseline, researchers followed up...

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