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Even though it seems counterintuitive, placebos work even when people know they’re placebos. That is, they work in adults. But what about the pediatric population? JAMA Pediatrics reports a small study of 30 children, 8 to 18 years old, with irritable bowel syndrome or functional abdominal pain...

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According to the CDC, OA affects over 32.5 million US adults. Discovery of a new molecular signaling pathway, therefore, could be important. The research, published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, presents “the first evidence of a potential functional role of artemin/GFRα3 in chronic OA-pain in mice...

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As colorectal cancer occurrences in people under age 50 increase, researchers have developed a risk prediction model. The study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, hopes to identify those at risk well before they experience abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, low blood counts...

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What can be done for those with an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis? A study published in the journal of Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology “used large-scale sequencing and bioinformatics analysis to compare the gut microbiome of mice that were...

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For children with urological issues, from an inability to empty their bladder to bladder exstrophy, fear and pain can play a major role. To help both the pediatric patient and their parents, a few places around the country are adding psychologists to support the family. “Families often come in...

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JAMA Neurology reports findings gathered from over 2600 migraine sufferers, aged 18 to 65, from 4 randomized clinical trials. Researchers sought to determine whether erenumab would improve migraine frequency and lessen migraine medication need in those with and without aura. The study notes, “One or...

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The American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology has published an article on the long term complications of COVID-19, its impact on various organ systems, and potential management algorithms. In the United States, COVID has infected >49 million; approximately 26% experience long term complications...

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A questionnaire answered by over 1600 cluster headache sufferers (who met the International Classification of Headache Disorders criteria) provided researchers with interesting information. The results, published in Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, revealed that:

  • Even though pediatric...

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What is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? It’s a disease that causes abnormal thickening of the heart muscle, which leads to difficulty in blood pumping. It can cause arrythmias and death. Although both genders have a heart, women, along with people of color, are less likely to be implanted with a...

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The journal of Pediatrics reports a study of the transition from medical use of opioids in children to nonmedical use later in life. What does early exposure lead to? Reviewers searched almost a dozen databases for patients under age 18 who underwent a short or unknown course of opioids, who later...

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