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Results from a new preliminary study conclude that female athletes face a 50% higher risk for sports-related concussion than their male counterparts. Study author James Noble, MD, assistant professor of neurology at Columbia University Medical Center, and director of the concussion and sports...

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New research conducted at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis suggests that higher levels of physical activity may beneficially affect pain modulation patterns in older adults, in turn lowering their risk for development of chronic pain. The researchers report that older adults who...

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Findings from a study conducted by researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Washington University School of Medicine may advance our understanding of the role of itch neurons in the modulation of chronic pain. These neurons, called GRP neurons, are a “way station” for pain...

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Researchers at the University of Utah have isolated a compound derived from snail venom that appears to target a pain pathway not associated with opioids. The compound, Rg1A, was tested in rodent models, and was found to effectively block a pain pathway receptor, with a pain relieving effect that...

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New research undertaken at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center reports that the risk of clinical relapse for patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) is higher for those with lower serum vitamin D levels. The work builds on the previously known association between low levels of vitamin D and incidence...

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New research conducted at the Rothman Institute at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia concludes that smoking contributes to higher risk of septic complication for patients who have undergone total hip or knee replacement surgery. These infections frequently result in the need for repeat...

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New research led by a medical sociologist from University at Buffalo, New York, concludes that older Americans who are less educated and poorer are much more likely to be impacted by chronic pain than their wealthier, better-educated counterparts. The findings deliver bad news on several fronts...

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An updated clinical guideline released by the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) reaffirms the efficacy and safety of palliative radiation therapy in the treatment of symptoms of painful bone metastases. The new guideline is buttressed by findings from recent clinical trial data and...

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An observational study conducted by researchers at University of Kansas Medical Center has provided further insight into the association between lower limb muscle tone and risk for development or worsening of knee osteoarthritis (OA). Quadricep muscle weakness has previously been known as a risk...

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Results of new research from Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) suggest that ketamine, administered prophylactically as a single dose, may be effective in preventing the onset of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The study, based on research on mice, was published last month in the...

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