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Researchers from Mount Sinai Health System have reported a possible link between Crohn’s disease and Parkinson’s in patients of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, an advance that may have significance for the refinement of treatments for both conditions, according to the authors. The discovery involves the...

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An orthopedic surgeon at Houston Methodist has developed a new approach to preventing postsurgical infection from total joint replacement procedures. The innovation consists of extended-release antibiotic microspheres that are applied as a coating to the implant and that release high levels of...

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The Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation (OREF) has announced the awarding of the largest grant in its history to a multidisciplinary team at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) for the first phase II clinical trial of a new stem cell therapy for the treatment of rotator cuff tears. The team...

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Results from new research using mouse models suggest that a novel strategy for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease may be possible. The new approach would precisely target metabolic pathways that are only active during intestinal inflammation, and could offer a substantial advance over...

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A recently published Atopic Dermatitis Yardstick offers new guidance to clinicians and new hope for patients who suffer from the debilitating condition, also known as eczema, according to the authors. The yardstick provides recommendations on appropriate medications to engage at various stages of...

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Results from a proof-of-concept study on mouse models suggest that a biochemically formulated patch of dissolvable microneedles may offer a novel approach to long-term management of type 2 diabetes. If proven in further research and development, the technology could represent a significant advance...

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Survivors of a terror attack are at elevated risk for frequent migraine and tension headache, suggests the conclusions from a recent study in Norway. The investigation centered on the teenage survivors of the 2011 incident at a summer youth camp on Utoya Island in which a gunman killed 69 campers...

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In what the authors term the most definitive and comprehensive study yet undertaken into the global epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), researchers have associated increased industrialization and westernization with an escalation in the incidence of the conditions. The research team is...

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Results from a small study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan suggest that patients who have undergone a hysterectomy use substantially fewer opioids than are prescribed for their post-surgical pain. According to the authors, the findings confirm conclusions about post-surgical...

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Researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine report the discovery of an association between negative emotions and elevated opioid use among patients with sickle cell disease who otherwise reported low levels of pain. Sickle cell disease is an inherited condition characterized by...

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