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New research findings published by a team from Rush University Medical Center highlight two biomarkers that can identify the likelihood of osteolysis in patients who have undergone, or are candidates for, hip replacement procedures. Osteolysis results in weakened bones, and occurs when the rate of...

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Insights from new research on rat models may inform future advances in the treatment of the painful condition commonly known as dry eye. The condition results from an imbalance in the makeup of eye fluid called hyperosmolarity, or excessive salt and insufficient water. Prolonged hyperosmolarity...

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In what is described by the authors as a first of its kind study, researchers report that pain associated with multiple sclerosis significantly impairs quality of life for many MS sufferers, disrupting their daily activities including their work, recreation, community engagement, and overall health...

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A database analysis published this month in the journal Anesthesiology concludes that the use of the local anesthetic liposomal bupivacaine as part of a multimodal approach to postsurgical pain management is unlikely to be effective as an opioid-sparing strategy. A combination of opioids, nonopioid...

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A dearth of supporting evidence has prompted the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) to gradually modify guidelines for nonsurgical treatment of knee osteoarthritis. New research conducted by Nicholas Bedard, MD, and colleagues at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City...

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Infection from the chikungunya virus typically provokes joint pain and fever lasting about 1 week. But in up to 50% of cases, the infection progresses to a persistent form of arthritis that can continue for months or years. No effective treatments or vaccines currently exist for arthritogenic...

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A new investigative approach applied by researchers from University of California San Diego School of Medicine and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai has provided fresh insight into the epigenetic landscape associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the process, it has uncovered a causal...

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Mechanical engineering researchers from the University of Arkansas report that they have developed a design improvement that could extend the life of artificial hips. By adding microscopic indentations, or “dimples,” to the joint surface, the thickness of lubricating film between the interacting...

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Findings from 2 studies conducted at Henry Ford Health System conclude that a long-shelved anesthetic agent may be a preferred choice for management of pain from knee replacement surgery. Researchers report that mepivacaine provided comparable pain relief with fewer side effects than the more...

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Insights from new research may help to explain why aging is often accompanied by a heightened itch response to contact with clothing or even light touch to the skin. This condition, also called mechanical itch, is also resistant to most anti-itch treatments, including hydrocortisone. A research team...

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