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The Oklahoma Study of Native American Pain Risk is a first of its kind. Its goal? To understand why Native Americans have higher levels—up to 3 times more than non-Hispanic whites—of chronic pain. A 5 year, $2.75 million grant from the National Institutes of Health will allow exploration of possible...

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Jacques Cousteau said, “We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one." Water enriched with hydrogen molecules, which has had positive results when used as treatment in Alzheimer’s disease as well as depression, is now being studied for potential treatment of neurologic pain and its...

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Researchers surveyed the use of services—PCP visits, a pharmacist, a school nurse, outpatient appointments for injury—by over 8,000 adolescents (age 11-15) culled from 84 UK schools. Among the findings, adolescents reported

  • Pain and suicidality: 9%
  • Suicidality alone: 11%
  • Pain alone: 13%
  • Nei...

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According to researchers, “you don’t need obesity to trigger pain; you don’t need diabetes; you don’t need a pathology or injury at all. Eating a high-fat diet for a short period of time is enough." So says Dr. Michael Burton, a researcher at the University of Texas at Dallas, who, along with his...

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Low back and/or pelvic pain (LBPP) is common during pregnancy: worldwide prevalence ranges from 24% to 90%. A meta-analysis of 1,040 women in 10 studies explored the efficacy of acupuncture for LBPP. Results seen in women who received acupuncture:

  • Pain relief: significant
  • Functional status...

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A retrospective study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine explored the connections between/among sleep disorders, cisgender youth, trans- or gender nonconforming (TGNF) individuals, gender-affirming therapy (GAT), and transitioning. Over 1.2 million people (aged 12-25), 2,600 of whom...

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The Daily Dose has reported on knee health often this month—see DD1 and DD2—and now researchers report that, post knee replacement surgery, excised synovial tissue from women contains more mast cells than men, leading to more pain due to inflammatory chemicals produced by those cells. The...

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A retrospective review of high or mid thoracic vertebral compression fractures (VCF) examined outcomes after either high viscosity cement (HVC) vertebroplasty (VP) or low viscosity cement (LVC) balloon kyphoplasty (BKP) repairs. 114 patients in a single tertiary medical center were included. Outcome...

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Does cannabis lessen chronic low back pain? Does the level of THC or CBD make a difference? What about the method of ingestion? Just over 20 patients were included in a study, their disc herniation or spinal stenosis confirmed via CT or MRI. After various washout periods, participants were...

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The journal of Science reports findings from researchers accessing chemotypes from a virtual library of over 300 million molecules. The authors of the study “computationally docked each virtual molecule into the highly similar α2BAR binding site, prioritizing those that physically fit and that were...

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