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Nicole L. Crowell, MS, Doctoral Candidate and Director of Medical Education at PAINWeek, Informa Connect, recently presented her migraine research at the 10th Annual NIH BRAIN Initiative meeting. The two presentations, titled "Leveling the Playing Field: Optimizing Migraine Diagnosis and Treatment...

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Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed transparent, flexible, and soft hydrogel optical fibers they hope will help identify the origins of, and treatments for, nerve-related pain. The design of the optical fibers allows for movement in mice, but inhibits damage to surrounding...

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In a systemic literature review searching for occurrences of “Insomnia,” “sleep complaints,” “myocardial infarction,” etc, over 1.1 million adults were assessed for the relationship between sleep issues and instances of MI. Patients with insomnia were at 1.69 times greater risk for the development...

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Most people with chronic pain will tell you it’s not just the intensity of the pain that impacts their lives, but the daily interference of the chronic pain. Both can lead to reduced employment, a lessened lifestyle, and problems with mental health. A study published in the International Journal of...

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Imagine having an unnecessary dental procedure because your tooth pain is due to COVID, and not the usual reasons for seeing a dentist! While most COVID symptoms are well known—sore throat, fever, cough, respiratory issues—and various symptoms came to light, such as sore joints and body aches, loss...

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Over 3 million American adults have Crohn’s disease. Of those, 30% to 40% develop perianal fistulas that can cause discomfort, swelling, pain, and blood and/or pus leakage. Surgery may help some, but statistically over half are not. Nanofiber hydrogel with stem cells to the rescue? This injectable...

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In an article in the Cell journal, scientists from China and the University of North Carolina School of Medicine have researched the structural framework of opioid receptors in an effort to build better pain management and limit side effects. “This collaboration revealed conserved, or shared...

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For extended relief of postoperative acute pain, cryoneurolysis—providing temporary analgesia through the use of extremely low temperatures to reversibly ablate a peripheral nerve—has been proven effective, but can it also help acute worsening in nonsurgical inpatients? Researchers, publishing their...

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The journal of Brain Science reports a study of the therapeutic potential of intrathecal and intravenous resolvin D2. Derived from docosahexaenoic acid, it is a bioactive, specialized pro-resolving mediator that reduces inflammation. Researchers examined resolvin D2’s impact on mouse models of...

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A study in the Journal of Urology assessed the level of food sensitivities in veterans nationwide. The cohorts—interstitial cystitis, other pelvic pain, or healthy controls—were mailed a questionnaire for sensitivities to foods and drinks and self-perceived effects on bladder pain and/or urinary...

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