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Interprofessional education (IPE) has primary goals: to improve outcomes; to reach the population in a healthcare setting where teams can actually provide cost-effectiveness to lower our healthcare costs; and to reach unreached areas. We do the latter with teams: in the interprofessional education...

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There is a special report from the online journal STAT that reviews the dimensions of the crisis in opioid prescribing for patients with chronic pain. While not breaking new ground in the discussion, the report offers a succinct roundup of the different points of view on this issue of central...

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A study conducted at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai has advanced our understanding of the mechanisms underlying oxycodone action that may be of value in the effort to separate the analgesic effects of opioids from their addictive properties. The protein RGS9-2 is known to control the...

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Biobehavioral treatments are a great addition to the toolkit that primary care providers already have. Not only can they help with managing the pain condition, they can help with all sorts of associated symptoms like depression and anxiety, frustration and lack of self-efficacy, as well as with...

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Results from a study conducted at University of California San Diego School of Medicine conclude that a single session of moderate exercise can stimulate the immune system to produce an anti-inflammatory response. The authors say that the findings may point to new approaches to the management of...

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Chair yoga may be an effective alternate therapy for older adults with lower extremity osteoarthritis, according to findings from a new study conducted by researchers from Florida Atlantic University. According to the authors, this is the first randomized controlled study of the efficacy of this...

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In an environment of escalating scrutiny over controlled medications, frontline practitioners who prescribe them for pain therapy need to take the appropriate steps to demonstrate "prescribing for a legitimate medical purpose while acting in the usual course of professional practice." Jennifer Bolen...

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I’m not sure if odd is necessarily the right word. They’re odd in the sense that not everyone gets them after these certain types of surgeries. It’s only a subset of patients that tend to get long sequelae of pain after these surgeries. So I guess in that way, it’s odd, but they are actually pretty...

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Odd neuropathic pain disorders are a problem in the United States and across the world. Some of the more common ones that we tend to see are post mastectomy syndrome, post thoracotomy syndrome, and post inguinal hernia repair syndrome. They’re typically considered neuropathic pain states. They’re...

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A research team from Indiana University, Bloomington has concluded that the presence of a variety of pre-existing behavioral and psychiatric conditions may be predictors of long-term opioid use, and further, that patients presenting with these conditions may be more likely to receive opioid...

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