| Podcast

There is strong evidence supporting the use of biobehavioral therapies for chronic pain conditions including fibromyalgia, migraine, and other forms of severe headache. Evidence based behavioral medicine treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and biobehavioral training. These...

| Podcast

Pain management in the elderly can be quite complex. The most common method of pain control in this population is pharmacotherapy. However, this patient population is becoming subject to the complex interactions and risks associated with polypharmacy. Hence, interventional strategies are...

| Podcast

Nonopioid analgesics are oftentimes considered first-line therapy for most chronic pain syndromes. A strong understanding of these agents' mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity profiles is paramount for today's pain practitioner. This course will provide an in-depth look at each of the...

| Podcast

Diagnostic testing is an integral component for the differential diagnosis. In routine clinical practice there has been a tendency for clinical examinations to become more cursory, largely influenced by increasing demands of time and patient expectations of technological advances. The end result may...

| Podcast

On September 16, 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hosted a public webinar where they revealed a draft of their 12 prescribing guidelines for chronic pain. Due to technical difficulties, the entire process was repeated the following day. Concerns over the way the guidelines...

| Podcast

Low pressure headaches (LPH) are caused by low cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) pressure or volume and may be spontaneous or provoked. Although the suspected incidence of spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is rare, improved imaging and greater awareness have led to increased identification...

| Podcast

In the age of modern medical miracles, it is easy to forget that we change our body chemistry every time we eat. The quality and composition of our food has the power to increase or decrease body-wide inflammation. Yet most medical schools have only a few hours of learning time devoted to a topic...

| Podcast

In this time during which the use of opioids for analgesia is being attacked by well-organized zealots, society is desperately seeking ways to make utilization of these medications safer and more effective. In a growing number of developed nations, genetic testing is being routinely utilized to...

| Article

Certainly the idea of making an opioid safer is very desirable, and the current approach has been to address certain components of the way that these drugs are abused. Most of the products we have currently are focused at abuse through nasal snorting or through injection. We have technologies that...

| Video

Common neuropathic conditions such as CRPS, postherpethic neuralgia, and diabetic neuropathy have established diagnostic and treatment paradigms. But what about neuropathic disorders that are less frequently encountered? Drs. Badiola and Yi introduce some of these, and what primary care...

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