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Patients can have control over various realms of their life, leading to less pain and improved quality of life. Dr. James Fricton explains the 7 realms and how they affect pain.

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Unfortunately, central sensitization is one of those conditions that's really not very well understood by most practitioners. It's not something that's taught in medical schools, it's not even been something that's been focused on in residency or fellowship programs. So, what's central sensitization...

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When evaluating patients who present with complaints of foot pain, it is important for the clinician to remember the kinetic chain, according to researchers from Hospital for Special Surgery and Harvard Medical School. This concept postulates that different joints in the body are affected by each...

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Recent small studies of the distraction power of virtual reality suggest that VR may assist patients in their responses to pain. The end goal is reduced opioid reliance. Although VR is not regarded as a treatment by itself, lead study author Dr. Anita Gupta of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and...

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Dr. Christo outlines some common procedures used for pain reduction, including a basic description, and the supporting evidence base. Also considered are patient presentations that may be most suited to one or another of these modalities.

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Interprofessional education is critically important, and accrediting organizations of schools of pharmacy, nursing, medicine, social work, and so forth, I have recognized this. So there's a move afoot to incorporate interprofessional education in all of our professional curricula. It's critically...

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“New Therapeutic Targets for Osteoarthritis Pain” is the title of a review examining emerging therapies and potential future treatment directions for osteoarthritis (OA) pain. Authored by David Walsh, Professor, and Joanne Stocks, Translational Research Facilitator, with the Arthritis Research UK...

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Chronic pain can lead to inactivity, functional impairment, and reduced quality of life. Dr. Abaci discusses the complex central nervous system changes that can accompany chronic pain syndromes, and how exercise can mitigate these effects. While individual patient presentations differ, the core...

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Many clinicians still haven't heard about the concept of Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment or POLST. Some states call it POST or MOST. But they all basically mean the same thing. What we're trying to do is get patients to play an active role in the decision-making about their future...

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