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Viscosupplementation, or the injection of a synthetic hyaluronic acid into the affected joint, is thought to improve the viscosity of synovial fluid, therely enhancing movement and reducing pain. Dr. Cuevas-Trisan discusses the approach, and FDA approved and non-approved indications.

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Spinal manipulative therapy is far from new, but questions remain over effectiveness in comparison to other treatment options, as well as the patients for whom it may be most beneficial. Dr. George reviews the current research, and what remains to be learned.

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Dr. Pergolizzi outlines some of the newer analgesic candidates under investigation, their mechanisms of action, and why trial design for these investigations may not always mimic clinical practice. Also discussed are new targets for analgesic testing.

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Dr. McPherson considers the question of enhancing the preparedness of practitioners to work effectively in an interprofessional setting. Interprofessional education takes clinicians outside the silos of their own specialties, and equips them to make the most of a team approach to patient care.

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A pain medicine nurse practitioner looks at the emergence of advanced practice providers as key members of the multidisciplinary team. She also discusses the pros and cons of HCAHPS as a measure of patient satisfaction in the acute care setting

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An experienced pain management nurse practitioner brings some succinct observations on the proper role of electronic health recordkeeping and opioid risk evaluation to guide in coprescription of naloxone.

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Healthcare provider burnout is notably common in clinicians engaged in pain management. What are the risk factors, and what can practitioners do to improve their resilience and improve quality of life--for themselves and their patients?

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Dr. LaPietra engages her expertise in acute pain management to outline some effective treatment modalities for use in the emergency room. She also comments on recently published CDC prescribing guidelines for opioid medications, and how they may refine the practice of pain management. Collaboration...

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POLST--Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment--is a type of advanced directive that provides more detail and specificity than a DNR. Dr Gudin discusses the economic and societal issues of end of life care, and why the POLST program can be of value in promoting accurate communications between...

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Orofascial pain and its associated disorders are complex and frequently overlooked. Dr. James Fricton discusses why.

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