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In an article e-published last week in the European Journal of Pain, patients with Parkinson disease were interviewed and completed questionnaires. Patients were classified as having tremor-dominant, postural instability and gait difficulty, or indeterminate phenotype.

The median duration of pain...

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Can specific ingredients impact pain scores? At the moment there are too many gaps in knowledge to make recommendations on dietary supplements and nutrition. However, a recent Pain Medicine editorial, along with a series of articles, suggests additional research to potentially change current...

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Newswise — Researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago have found that dentists practicing in the U.S. write 37 times more opioid prescriptions than dentists practicing in England. And, the type of opioids they prescribe has a higher potential for abuse.

Their findings, which are...

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Education is a powerful weapon in the management of pain. But an educational intervention must be carefully planned to be effective. The purpose of this presentation is to prepare clinicians to plan and develop education ranging from the curbside consult to an entire course. Participants will learn...

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Newswise — Depression is linked to diminished activity in parts of the brain believed to regulate mood, which previous research suggests may explain why depressed persons display an lessened ability to govern their ruminative thought process.

In a new paper published online in advance of print...

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When you consider where we are with the pharmacotherapy of pain at this current time, I think we are still struggling in the sea of two competing public health crises. Certainly, we still have this enormous cohort of people who suffer with poorly controlled pain, yet, on the other hand, the opioid...

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Clinicians have a responsibility to educate and reassure patients who live with pain so they can overcome barriers, such as fear of movement, and re-engage in healthy behaviors. Despite the progressive embrace of a biopsychosocial framework in pain care, most patients conceptualize their persisting...

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Myers: Part of our role is to help dealing with the insurance companies, getting certain treatments or services approved. We’re the go between dealing with the insurance company, finding out from the doctor what they want to do with the patient as far as their treatment plan, and then we deal with...

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Working with rodent models, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis have demonstrated that receptors in the brain that trigger emotional responses to pain including lethargy and depression can be blocked. The discovery may be a step toward the realization of less addictive...

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The Pain Educators Forum presents this course because there are so many different levels of practitioner experience with pain management. Specifically, inspiration came from someone who, after attending one of our courses, had a burning question for our faculty: “What do sodium channels have to do...

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