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Newswise — Millennials lead the escalating interest in marijuana and cannabinoid compounds for managing pain – with older generations not far behind – and yet most are unaware of potential risks. Three-quarters (75%) of Americans who expressed interest in using marijuana or cannabinoids to address...

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Newswise — Neuropathic pain affects between 15 and 20 million people in the U.S. This type of pain can occur after injuries to the nervous system due to trauma, disease or exposure to neurotoxins, including after chemotherapy.

Exceedingly difficult to treat, these injuries cause chronic changes...

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Headaches, of all varieties, are a common occurrence in adult and pediatric populations. What’s the distinction between types, and how best can practitioners make that distinction? Dr. VanderPluym of the Mayo Clinic, a pediatric neurologist specializing in headache and concussion, discusses.

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>Empathy is the ability to understand the patient’s experience from their frame of reference. Dr. Zacharoff discusses how taking the patient’s narrative into account can result in a more rewarding and successful level of patient-provider communication and lead to better treatment outcomes.

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Emerging trends offer practical ways to elevate management of acute pain in daily practice and help practitioners fill a toolbox to better tailor approaches to individual pain management needs. Alexis LaPietra, DO, FACEP, FAAEM, is the Director of Emergency Medicine at the St. Joseph’s Healthcare...

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Newswise — For preterm infants in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU), skin-to-skin contact with the mother – sometimes called "kangaroo care"– reduces pain from repeated painful procedures, reports a study in PAIN®, the official publication of the International Association for the Study of Pain...

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Newswise — Music is a viable alternative to sedative medications in reducing patient anxiety prior to an anesthesia procedure, according to a Penn Medicine study published today in the journal Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine.

A peripheral nerve block procedure is a type of regional...

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Newswise — With the advancement of technology and medicine, G. Michael Deeb, M.D., a cardiac surgeon at Michigan Medicine, says society is used to, and expects, instant solutions to their pain after medical procedures. This has resulted in an increased demand for narcotics, as well as their over...

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Senior faculty member Michael Clark offers insight and guidance on engagement of the psychiatrist on the pain management team. There is much that the psychiatric perspective can contribute, from the specifics of medication management to the broader landscape of understanding pain in the context of...

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Newswise — WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – May 30, 2019 –  A minimally invasive procedure to repair abdominal aneurysms thought to be less effective than traditional open surgery has been shown to perform as well as the open repair and be as long-lasting.

Findings published in the May 30 issue of the New...

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