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Neuropathic pain affects between 3% and 17% of the population. The journal Cureus offers a narrative review of neuropathic pain, stating that early and accurate diagnosis is paramount in improving pain control and outcomes. In this review, researchers provide updated information on neurological...

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In a New England Journal of Medicine online editorial, a professor/hematologist commented on a study about sickle cell disease and gene therapy. The study, which also appeared in NEJM, successfully prevented complications from the disease by adding a gene to a patient’s blood stem cells. “Gene...

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In a narrative review published in Cureus, researchers examined acute pain, which is normal postsurgery, and its potential transition to chronic pain. Postsurgery rates of persistent/subacute pain (lasting over a month) range from 10% to 50%; chronic pain (lasting more than 3 months) is seen in 2%...

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The journal Spinal Cord has published an article titled “Psychological morbidity following spinal cord injury and among those without spinal cord injury: the impact of chronic centralized and neuropathic pain.” Researchers compared psychological morbidities—such as mood disorders, sleep problems...

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The chronic inflammatory pain condition primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) causes dry mouth and eyes, pain and fatigue, and depression and anxiety. A study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine reports on the health related quality of life (HRQoL) cost for people in the United Kingdom with pSS...

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In an effort to uncover empirical evidence, the National Football League is funding a trial on the efficacy of cannabis. Many professional athletes claim cannabis lessens pain after a game and accelerates recovery, but does it? Via testing and monitoring, the NFL hopes to determine the value, and...

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According to the CDC, OA affects over 32.5 million US adults. Discovery of a new molecular signaling pathway, therefore, could be important. The research, published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, presents “the first evidence of a potential functional role of artemin/GFRα3 in chronic OA-pain in mice...

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Chronic lower back pain is, unfortunately, ubiquitous. A study in JAMA Network Open reports some good news: aquatic exercise used for therapy for those with chronic low back pain has been shown to be effective! Although it’s a relatively small study—a clinical trial of 113 people—results were...

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How does daily social media use affect physical health? A study published in the journal of Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking reports higher levels of C-reactive protein, an inflammation marker, along with more frequent doctor or health center visits. Blood samples and questionnaires...

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Can digital therapy that provides lymphatic and limb mobility exercises make a difference in pain for patients postsurgery for breast cancer? A study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research Cancer recruited 120 patients at least 3 months past breast cancer surgery. Half of the group...

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