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Lunch will be served.

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In the age of modern medicine, it is easy to forget that we change our body chemistry every time we eat. The quality and composition of our food has the power to increase or decrease body wide inflammation and modulate pain. Our relationship to food and the way we eat is also cultural and influenced...

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Through the lens of medical expert testimony and case examples, attendees will learn core areas of risk mitigation with a focus on making electronic medical records and paper charting work for the practitioner to demonstrate prescribing in the usual course of professional practice. Overdose—a small...

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Breakfast will be served.

Sponsored by doctor.com.

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West Virginia continues to lead the nation, and world, in drug overdoses, which makes one ponder what is being done at the “ground zero” of the opioid epidemic to save and improve lives. Where better than where it’s worst should some of the possible solutions come from? In 2016, an interprofessional...

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Coffee will be served.

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Diagnostic testing is an integral component for the differential diagnosis. In routine clinical practice there has been a tendency for clinical examinations to become more cursory, largely influenced by increasing demands of time and patient expectations of technological advances. The end result may...

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