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The gabapentinoids are a popular class of medications among prescribers for use in chronic pain and various other neurological conditions. In fact, prescription rates for both gabapentin and pregabalin have increased in the United States and other countries in recent years. However, these...

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Breakfast will be served.

Sponsored by Legally Mine.

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The CDC guidelines have caused controversy and spurred heated discussion. Produced with a paucity of evidence based medicine, they were never evaluated and iterated in the manner of more appropriate guidelines. In this course, we will examine the guidelines and their effect on practitioners—primary...

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Coffee will be served.

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The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is now recognized as an important modulator of many physiological processes. Even more recently, an increasing body of evidence has been accumulated to suggest the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and antinociceptive roles of the ECS. In 1997, the...

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Drug testing is part of a complete patient evaluation and ongoing risk monitoring in most medical practice settings when treatment involves long-term use of controlled medication. Today’s licensing board guidelines and rules, and position papers published by professional societies, make clear that...

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Throughout the course of history, mankind has experienced heightened effects from natural sources, and even delved into creating or modifying substances to the same accord. In our society we have a very objective classification of materials based on generally accepted medical use and propensity to...

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