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Nicole L. Crowell, MS, Doctoral Candidate and Director of Medical Education at PAINWeek, Informa Connect, recently presented her migraine research at the 10th Annual NIH BRAIN Initiative meeting. The two presentations, titled "Leveling the Playing Field: Optimizing Migraine Diagnosis and Treatment...

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Migraines have no boundaries; this condition affects people of all races, ages, and genders. Yet, a glaring disparity persists in how migraines are diagnosed and treated among different racial and ethnic groups.

As healthcare professionals, particularly those in primary care, your role is crucial...

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Migraine Pain Prevalence, Costs, and Treatment Gaps

Migraines are not just a nuisance; they also pose a significant public health challenge, affecting up to 17% of women and 6% of men annually. These statistics vary globally, with North America experiencing the highest prevalence, followed by...

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When traditional migraine treatments prove ineffective, Nick Knezevic, MD, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesiology & Surgery at the College of Medicine, University of Illinois Chicago, turns to innovative solutions. Explore the potential of neuromodulation, particularly transcranial...

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Grant-Funded Non-Opioid Pain Relief Study

Currently, opioids are the most prescribed medications for managing surgical pain. But with the number of surgeries performed in the U.S. growing, and the opioid crisis still raging, researchers are continually looking for effective post-operative pain...

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A retrospective study published in Cureus evaluated greater occipital nerve (GON) blocks in severe medically refractory headaches in those 18 years of age or younger. The blocks consisted of chirocaine and depomedrone in 1, 2, or 3 administrations. Although the test group consisted of only 6...

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Nerve compression headaches. Will surgery help those undergoing trigger-site deactivation? The journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery reports a novel way to evaluate a patient’s potential response to surgery: pain drawings as interpreted by artificial intelligence. Asking patients to draw...

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Over 35 clinical studies from journal articles and meta-analyses were included in a literature review of chronic migraine’s impact on the quality of sleep. In the journal of Nature and Science of Sleep, common sleep disturbances were analyzed to determine the relationship to chronic migraine.


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Chronic migraine is disabling, complex, and an expensive global burden; it has also been studied far less than episodic migraine. A review in BMJ focused on treatments, including calcitonin gene related peptide antagonists and neuromodulatory devices. Via keywords searches, including “chronic...

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A qualitative study in the Headache journal asked children and their caregivers about treatment preferences regarding migraine. Although soliciting opinions from those involved in treatments is valuable, too little research has been done to find out what matters most. Via stratified purposive...

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