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Newswise — Research has shown that chronic pain is a major health concern with ever-increasing costs. But the burden is not equal, according to a study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The study, published in the Journal of Pain Research, shows that gender identity may play a more...

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A visceral pain example is endometriosis:

  • Often affects the intraabdominal organs
  • Can be within the wall of the uterus, affecting the uterine wall
  • Can be in the pelvic peritoneum
  • Has the capability to invade organs, causing an overlap of symptoms
  • Can be in the peritoneal layer of the...

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Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) is a term used to describe what was formerly known as vaginal atrophy, atrophic vaginitis, or urogenital atrophy. Although GSM-like symptoms occur in 15% of premenopausal women and 40% to 54% of postmenopausal women, the condition is associated with social...

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Newswise —  A multidisciplinary team at Loyola Medicine is launching a clinical research study to determine the most prevalent factors impacting young women’s pelvic health. The study, which includes a team of researchers in urogynecology, epidemiology and public health, urology, physical medicine...

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Newswise--Young adult women with a documented history of being maltreated as children report higher levels of pain than women not maltreated in childhood, according to a new study.

As adults, these young women, who averaged nearly 25 years of age, reported high intensity of pain, a greater number...

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Newswise — Women who undergo a hysterectomy are often prescribed at least twice as many opioids as they use – but there may be a simple way to change that.

The tool: Asking the patient to help decide how many opioids she needs.

Involving patients in decisions about hysterectomy pain management...

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Although endometriosis is the most common condition identified among women with dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain, its evaluation and management presents many challenges to practicing clinicians. Dr. As-Sanie emphasizes diagnostic and treatment strategies for the primary care clinician.

  • Endome...

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Pelvic peripheral neuralgias may be a cause of pain in 6% of women with chronic pelvic pain. This type of pain is neuropathic and typically follows the distribution of specific peripheral nerves. Common causes of neuropathic pain include trauma and visceral pathology, and the diagnosis can be...

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Newswise — For preterm infants in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU), skin-to-skin contact with the mother – sometimes called "kangaroo care"– reduces pain from repeated painful procedures, reports a study in PAIN®, the official publication of the International Association for the Study of Pain...

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Newswise — Nearly half of American women having a baby in the last decade received a prescription for a powerful opioid painkiller as part of their birth experience, a new study shows.

And one or two in every hundred were still filling opioid prescriptions a year later – especially those who...

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