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Researchers and clinicians with the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston have published a guide to help primary care physicians treat their patients with osteoporosis. In the Journal of Family Practice, it is pointed out that along with the aging population, “primary osteoporosis has...

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Most practitioners know that their parents with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) experience pain and decreased quality of life. What they may not be aware of is the prevalence of sexual dysfunction in this patient population. A study published in International Journal of General Medicine illustrated...

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Last year, a study determined that a child of a woman who had been given an epidural during childbirth would have a 37% greater risk of receiving an autism diagnosis. However, the latest research from a Canadian study published in JAMA Pediatrics concluded that, "no association between ELA exposure...

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Although women have some conditions at much higher rates than men, and experience more adverse effects than men, and may need smaller dosages than men, they are frequently lumped in the same category as men. An article discussed on the site The Hill points out that “Despite the inclusion of women...

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Endometriosis affects about 10% of women worldwide. It can cause chronic pelvic pain, scars, bleeding, discomfort during periods and sex, infertility, and be expensive. Diagnosis may prove difficult due to symptoms being similar to other gynecological or digestive disorders, and a confirmed...

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An article in the Neuron journal looked at neural mechanisms of pain severity and response as they relate to gender. Do men and women feel pain differently? If yes, why? If they do, should they receive different types of pain relief? In past studies of neural pathways, only male mice were included...

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An article in Anaesthesia, the journal of the Association of Anaesthetists, covered the prevalence, challenges to sufferers, and difficulties of managing chronic pelvic pain (CPP). Although CPP is common, there has been little research on how best to manage it. One of the difficulties is the variety...

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Women wait longer before seeking medical help for chest pain, and chest pain in women is more frequently misdiagnosed than men. A study reported at the 2021 Acute CardioVascular scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology showed that of over 41,000 patients with chest pain, 41% of...

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Urinary tract infections are common and hard to treat. UTIs lead to more UTIs. Researchers report findings in the PNAS journal of a new vaccine delivered directly to the bladder that would help the body fight infection through reprograming. The vaccine would destroy bladder bacteria and help prevent...

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Chronic pain in the reproductive track: what are the triggers? Because of "poorly characterised" information from the sensory pathways, treatments for dyspareunia are lacking while women are suffering from endometriosis, vulvodynia, etc. Researcher Dr. Joel Castro Kraftchenko, Head of Endometriosis...

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