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A BMC Women’s Health article evaluates back pain and reason(s) more women suffer from it than men. They specifically looked at pregnancy and childbirth, and the likelihood of future back pain. 12,776 women were contacted; 1069 made it to the final stage of the study. Notable findings:

  • 33%...

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Low back and/or pelvic pain (LBPP) is common during pregnancy: worldwide prevalence ranges from 24% to 90%. A meta-analysis of 1,040 women in 10 studies explored the efficacy of acupuncture for LBPP. Results seen in women who received acupuncture:

  • Pain relief: significant
  • Functional status...

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The Daily Dose has reported on knee health often this month—see DD1 and DD2—and now researchers report that, post knee replacement surgery, excised synovial tissue from women contains more mast cells than men, leading to more pain due to inflammatory chemicals produced by those cells. The...

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Stress. Sleep problems. These are just 2 of the issues women may face before or after gynecological surgery. Not to mention chronic pain! The National Cancer Institute has provided Wake Forest University School of Medicine researchers over 3 million dollars to investigate the benefits of yoga...

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When a patient needs endometriosis treatment, what do you provide? Endometriosis is a complex burdensome disease associated with pelvic pain and infertility. Many therapeutic options are available, and often there is debate over whether surgical treatment is superior to medical treatment. What does...

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The Journal of Psychiatric Research published findings which make clear that, among women veterans, betrayal was associated with both pain intensity and joint intensity. “Moral injury” is defined as resulting from traumatic experiences that conflict with a person’s deeply held moral beliefs. In the...

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Pre-COVID, half of Australian women giving birth utilized nitrous oxide for pain relief, 40% had epidurals, and 12% used opioids. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology reports that post-COVID, nitrous oxide was withheld to lower transmission risk, and opioid use...

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A small study, published in JAMA, interviewed 28 patients about their gender identity detransition healthcare experiences. Although most did not regret the decision, study participants did avoid seeing doctors, felt stigmatized, and encountered less than knowledgeable clinicians. Why did people...

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The British Journal of Anaesthesia reports a study, the largest of its kind, of 10 hospitals in the US, Australia, Germany, Israel, and other countries. Researchers determined that at least 5% of people under general anesthesia responded to commands and questions about their level of pain—called...

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“…patients in racial and ethnic minority groups have a 60% increased risk of experiencing severe postpartum pain and are 20% less likely to receive opioids for postpartum pain” than non-Hispanic White women. That disparity is being addressed in an article in JAMA Network Open, specifically the use...

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