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A study in the journal of Pain reports the value of mindfulness meditation and its ability to relieve pain. Researchers randomized 40 participants to 4 sessions of mindfulness meditation or book-listening. Compared to controls, responses in behavioral and neural pain were significantly reduced in...

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The journal of Anesthesiology published a report on the viability of pain management medication development. Using a database and over 1600 data points, researchers analyzed variables to note the probability of “success, duration, and survivorship of pain medication development programs between...

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Shoulder pain is, globally, the 3rd most common musculoskeletal complaint, and rotator cuff tendinopathy—whether acute or chronic—is a leading cause of shoulder pain. Prevalence is high, with up to 70% of the world having shoulder pain at some point, and up to a half still having pain at a year’s...

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The Journal of Pain Research reports that not only the patients in the ICU are in pain. A cross-sectional study of 356 people—including nurses, doctors, and other workers—in a tertiary hospital in China showed high percentages of people in pain:

  • ICU nurses: 72%
  • ICU doctors: 64%
  • ICU workers...

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The journal of Plants (Basel) reported on a review of neuropathic pain and its potential alleviation due to cannabinoids. This study specifically investigated cannabinoid administration routes other than oral or inhaled. As the research into the treatment of neuropathic pain grows along with its...

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Pain often brings about anxiety and depression, which in turn can worsen the pain. The Journal of Neuroscience has published a paper entitled GABAergic CaMKIIα+ Amygdala Output Attenuates Pain and Modulates Emotional-motivational Behaviour via Parabrachial Inhibition. In their Significance Statement...

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A study in the American Chemical Society’s Applied Materials & Interfaces journal brings to light a smart pillow capable of monitoring head movements during sleep. Pain can cause disturbed sleep, and poor sleep can cause pain. Mental health issues, heart disease, and diabetes can be affected by poor...

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For patients with patellar tendinopathy, surgery, as a resort after other treatments fail, only brings good results about half the time. Better results have been obtained through ultrasound-guided arthroscopic shaving, which targets regions with nerves outside the tendon. When no intra-tendinous...

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At the recent International Neuromodulation Society (INS) congress in Barcelona, researchers promoted a new way to administer stimulation to the spinal cord. The usual method involves SCS “to stimulate the back of the spinal cord and activate a circuit that then interacts with the transmitting pain...

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A study in Scientific Reports states that “Approximately 39% of the population has at least one sign or symptom of a temporomandibular disorder (TMD), and 25% have pain related to a TMD.” In addition, “…poor sleep quality is found in 60.3% of patients with TMD.” But does the deterioration of sleep...

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