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Opioids are powerful analgesics, but unfortunately that pain relief may come with side-effects that place a heavy burden on patients. Patients may experience diminished quality of life due to opioid-induced constipation, leading to depression/anxiety, embarrassment, increased cost of healthcare...

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A study presented in Journal of Psychopharmacology examined the potential pain management abilities of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). The ergot alkaloid derivative was given to 24 healthy volunteers who then showed significantly higher tolerance to pain during a cold pressor test, with mild side...

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Newswise —The burden of chronic pain includes damage to mental and physical health, lower productivity, and drug addiction. Now, a study led by researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science suggests an original approach to treating this affliction by targeting a key gateway – one that leads to...

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What’s the link between serious mental illness and pain? An article in Schizophrenia Research explored the connection using information from almost 900 people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder. Participants completed the Global Assessment...

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In research presented today by the American Chemical Society (ACS), it is stated that long term opioid use can lead to chronic inflammation and heightened pain sensitivity. Why? Study leader Cody J. Wenthur, PharmD, PhD, commented, “…we started thinking that the patient’s own immune system could be...

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There’s a new player in the multimodal, nonpharmacologic, opioid-sparing pain management arena: the antinociceptive effect of green-spectrum light exposure. This potential new tool in the fight against pain works with the knowledge that areas of affect and circadian rhythm are influenced by visually...

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Newswise — Medical cannabis is finally being put under the microscope, in a first-of-its-kind real world evidence study led by Dr. Hance Clarke, Director of Pain Services, Toronto General Hospital, and a recognized leader in educating Canadians about chronic pain management and the risk factors of...

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Neuroscientists are investigating a new target for ultrasound: the brain. By focusing sound waves “on a point deep in the brain” such as the amygdala “without affecting shallower tissue” scientists may be able to treat disease and regulate pain. Although there’s a lot still to be worked out, such as...

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Newswise — A Henry Ford Hospital study published in the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery has found that patients who underwent knee surgery and other types of sports medicine procedures could manage their pain without opioids or a minimal dosage.

The purpose of the prospective...

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Delta opioid receptors have a built-in mechanism for pain relief and can be precisely targeted with drug-delivering nanoparticles--making them a promising target for treating chronic inflammatory pain with fewer side effects, according to a new study from an international team of researchers. The...

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