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Naloxone received FDA approval for the treatment of opioid overdose in 1971. Only recently has its use at the community level become more commonplace. Dr. Zacharoff looks at naloxone's role in improving the safety and efficacy of opioid analgesics, and in arresting the surge in unintended opioid...

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We're stressed in so many ways and our body tries to compensate for that stress and keep us on an even keel. It compensates in an analogous way as if you were running; your heart beats faster, you prepare yourself for fight or flight, you try to keep your body together and you have many mechanisms...

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In the area of accepted standards of prescribing practice, do you know what law enforcement is looking for? Dr. Gonzalez offers pointers from his "Pain practice checkup" presented at PAINWeek 2017. Good information to keep you in the know!

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With opioids in the penalty box, and no new molecule on the horizon, what is "plan B" for primary care in the treatment of chronic pain? Dr. Stacey offers perspective, as a pain practitioner.

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With advancing age, the risk for comorbid sleep disturbance and chronic pain has been shown to increase. Where opioids are prescribed for pain, impairments to sleep can worsen. But the use of benzodiazepines for better sleep is contraindicated in combination with opioids. What to do? Dr. Raffa...

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There are some common rules that private and governmental agencies use to score prescribing patterns, and that can be referred to various law enforcement agencies for follow-up. Dr. Gonzalez, with the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators, outlines how these algorithms are used, and...

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Providers who do not understand medical necessity for drug testing, controlled medication prescribing, and substance abuse treatment are at risk as payers increasingly scrutinize these areas. Attorney Jennifer Bolen outlines some "pearls and pitfalls" for clinicians. Watch for important tools you...

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Up to 40% of patients who undero spinal surgery for lower back pain will develop postlaminectomy syndrome, or failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). Dr. Josihi outlines the pathology, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options that primary care should know about.

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Dr. Cheatle reviews some medication and non-medication treatment options for addressing substance use disorder. The message to primary care: a multimodal approach works best, and treatment of the SUD without attention to management of the patient's underlying pain is the likely route to relapse.

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Patients with chronic pain and substance use disorders often have accompanying psychiatric and medical disorders that place them at elevated risk for suicide. Dr. Cheatle, a professor of psychiatry, discusses the epidemiology of suicidal ideation in this population and offers some guidance in...

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