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In my clinical experience, the most commonly seen foot condition--and also a reason for referral to see a specialist--is plantar fasciitis. Other conditions that the primary care clinician will see include trauma, ankle sprains, and fractures. Less commonly seen conditions of the foot and ankle...

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Therapeutic neuroscience education is helping patients to understand chronic pain from a neurophysiology perspective. It teaches patients very basic things about the physiology of our nervous system, how the brain gets involved in producing pain, and helps people to understand exactly what changes...

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Part one of a 2-part discussion. The concept of patient-centered UDT as a clinical tool for monitoring adherence is considered. Drs. Gourlay and Heit also offer some guidelines for practitioners on who and when to test.

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I think that autonomy is very important when we’re looking at issues of adherence.  In this country for the most part, people with pain are treated not particularly well, in my opinion, and as a bioethicist, I really struggle with that. Treatment agreements, also oftentimes called opioid contracts...

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Some people would say that evidence-based and CAM can’t go in the same sentence, but there have been a fair number of studies on complimentary alternative medicine or CAM. I think that it’s important for people to know that there are effective therapies from the CAM toolbox, and I would group them...

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One of the challenges with pain is we just don’t have enough clinicians who are trained, relative to the number of patients needing care. So initially we thought of the group as a way that we can make better use of our scarce resources. But what we found is that the groups took on a life of their...

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What would the world be like without opioids? Dr. Clark hypothesizes on the implications for patients with pain, and on what the characteristics of a “better” opioid might include.

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Treatment of neuropathic pain requires a multidisciplinary plan made up of multiple components. It requires a personalized strategy that engages psychological approaches, procedural approaches, complementary or alternative medicine techniques, physical and occupational therapies, and then also...

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A consideration of the relationship between pain, depression and suicide ideation, with practitioner insights into mitigating the risk of suicide in patients with chronic pain conditions.

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In this 2-part segment, Dr. Passik discusses some of the lessons learned during and following the Decade of Pain Control and Research, and implications for the appropriate engagement of opioid therapy in chronic noncancer pain management.

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