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It turns out that psychological factors strongly correlate with prescription for opioids and also for opioid dose. Some of those factors are depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and history of substance use disorder.  So a person’s history and also their current psychological make-up...

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Personality is a fascinating aspect of our patients, and it really does highlight how people are different--not in a good or bad way, but in a way that has inherent strengths in one situation and inherent vulnerabilities or weaknesses in another situation. And so, when we’re talking about...

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An examination of the pathophysiology of the migraine visual aura, affecting some 15 to 20% of migraineurs. Dr. Jay discusses common aura types and the impact on patients who experience visual aura.

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Social media is the future of communications. You can use it for branding, for community outreach, and you can use it for patient education. The fastest growing segment of social media consumers is populations over the age of 50, and research shows one of the primary reasons to be because they are...

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Prescribers run afoul of the laws and regulations governing controlled substance prescribing in a couple of different ways but it often just boils down to documentation and a clear picture of the prescriber’s rationale for prescribing the controlled medication to a particular patient. A second...

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By advancing from a problem/solution perspective to a holistic life coaching approach in the management of chronic pain, both clinician and patient can achieve better, more satisfying, longer lasting outcomes.

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Clinicians must be prepared to recognize that addiction is a disease and it’s a very serious and fatal disease, which is often written off as a weakness or poor moral character, or something like that. Only by recognizing it as a disease can they really help their patients through compassion...

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The evaluation of these patients by providers, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and all those who work in a medical team, is a challenge and therefore we need to standardize the approach. We need to recognize that we’re dealing with a chronic illness that requires a team...

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Myofascial pain syndrome is a very common diagnosis in pain clinics.  We know that probably 85% of the people seen in a tertiary care pain clinic have myofascial pain syndrome either as a primary or a secondary diagnosis, and pretty much everything that we see, such as radiculopathy and nerve damage...

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Dr. Saenger advocates for the inclusion of CAM therapies in the pain treatment decision, and discusses the evidence supporting several modalities.

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