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Chronic low back pain doesn’t necessarily have to be just one thing or another; there can be a variety of reasons why people have it Facet-mediated pain is considered one of the more frequent things that we see when it comes to chronic low back pain reasons, accounting for anywhere from 15 to 45...

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A variety of metabolic disorders, such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy, can predispose the patient to peripherial nerve entrapment and lower extremity pain. A podiatric surgeon focusing on lower extremity nerve surgery outlines what clinicians should know about the relationship, diagnostic and...

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With the institution of the Affordable Care Act, we really don’t know what’s going to happen to the future of federal funded medicine. And with the implementation of ICD-10, reimbursement to pain practitioners may be delayed by as much as three to six months with a reduction in the income of the...

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The role of diet in provoking inflammation and subsequent pain is substantially underappreciated. Dr. Blatman offers pointers to frontline clinicians on what to look for and how to educate patients on the importance of nutrition and dietary selection to the prevention of pain and to the...

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A clinical professor of pharmacy offers some insights for primary care on best practice in opioid prescribing. Dr. Atayee discusses the importance of risk assessment, competence in dosing and titration, and alternate routes of administration, especially in the palliative care setting.

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The relationship between addictive behavior and prescription pain medication is a really complex one. It’s almost always hard to predict.  There are some obvious clues, like a previous history of substance abuse, or potential clues such as a family history of substance abuse, or maybe some...

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Methadone is not just your classic opioid. It also has NMDA receptor activity which has been postulated to help decrease the development of opioid tolerance. It’s also postulated to have more of a benefit in patients with neuropathic pain. Methadone is available in tablet or solution formulations...

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A discussion of the keys to correctly diagnosing and treating low back pain: orthopedic conditions that include musculoskeletal, discogenic, osseous, and nerve related entities.

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There’s a robust body of literature on the comorbidity of depression, anxiety and chronic pain. Approximately 50 percent of patients who suffer from chronic nonmalignant pain suffer from some degree of depression. With respect to pain patients and suicidal ideation the prevalence is anywhere between...

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A practicing attorney offers some guidance and cautions to practitioners considering bringing ancillary services into their practices. She outlines the due diligence needed to protect your practice and your patients.

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