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Counterfeit medications are a cause of decreased wellness, increased morbidity, and even death. An anesthesiologist and interventional pain physician reviews the origin of counterfeit medications, describes some anti-counterfeiting technologies and considers prescriber responsibilities in reducing...

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Doctors Gourlay and Heit, specialists in the arena of pain and addition, explore some of the more common issues confronting the primary care clinician in the management of long-term opioid prescribing. The focus is on the challenges of the inherited patient. In part 2, we consider the issue of...

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Doctors Gourlay and Heit, specialists in the arena of pain and addition, explore some of the more common issues confronting the primary care clinician in the management of long-term opioid prescribing. The focus is on the challenges of the inherited patient.

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Patients with pain often report feeling discounted by health care providers, family, coworkers and caregivers. Dr. Geraghty comments on the etiquette of successful patient communication so that patients feel validated and better treatment outcomes are achieved.

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Most workers compensation claims involve pain treatment, and most of that therapy involves pharmaceuticals. Dr. Foster overviews the trends and treatment guidelines that primary care practitioners should be aware of, to achieve the best outcomes for injured workers.

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A professor and department chair of adult and gerontology nursing offers an overview of best practice recommendations for obtaining assessment information from older patients with pain. Different strategies to engage in patients with cognitive impairment vs the cognitively intact are considered...

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In response to the escalating crisis of opioid abuse and overdose fatalities, states are adopting dosage thresholds as part of their prescribing guidelines. A clinical pharmacist and public policy professor summarize the public health landscape that has spawned this response, and evaluate the impact...

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Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) are widely available, but not yet uniformly used. A clinical pharmacist and associate professor evaluates the current landscape, and what can be improved to enhance their utility in curbing substance misuse and abuse.

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Who is at risk for transition from acute to chronic pain, and why is this progression difficult to predict? Dr. Zacharoff considers these questions, and outlines some strategies for the clinician to engage to reduce the risk of transition.

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Dr. McPherson comments on recent consensus guidelines for methadone prescribing, with background on the properties of this analgesic that render it both an attractive and challenging opioid for pain clinicians. Special considerations for patients with advanced illness are also discussed.

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