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This presentation will outline 3 sustainable stepwise approaches for providing chronic pain care within the patient centered medical home (PMH). Treatment of chronic pain is going through a systemic transformation (see 2016 National Pain Strategy from HHS and the 2009 VHA Stepped Care Model). The...

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For decades, the concept of morphine equivalent daily dosage (MEDD) or some variant thereof has been routinely utilized clinically (eg, for opioid rotation) as well as in research as a dependent variable. However, recently, the concept has been demonstrated to be a scientifically invalid course...

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Virtual reality (VR) has been used as a pain treatment technique in some settings for decades. However, the cost of the technology has traditionally been out of reach for almost all practitioners. This has changed in the last year as the hardware has become affordable and the possibility of using VR...

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There are over 16,000 deaths per year associated with opioid induced respiratory depression and overdose. These occur in the substance abuse population and also in chronic pain patients who are legitimately receiving opioids. This interactive lecture will review unexpected and unanticipated risks of...

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Opioids are the most powerful tool we have in our arsenal for the management of moderate to severe pain, yet great care and attention to detail in dosing is necessary to prevent patient suffering and death. This presentation is a "boots on the ground" approach to selecting, dosing, titrating, and...

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During this session, we will discuss migraine, specifically migraine with aura. Types of migrainous auras will be shown, and we will "deep dive" into the Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, a very specific and rare migrainous aura. Also to be discussed: evidence based medicine treatments to abort...

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Several studies from both pain clinics and primary care have found that regional myofascial pain is the most common presenting pain condition. Yet the lack of awareness of it is surprising. Everyone, at some point in their lives, has experienced acute muscle pain associated with overuse or...

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Pain science education has gained international praise as an underutilized clinical intervention for treating pain. Research supports teaching patients about pain using a neurophysiology framework, rather than explaining pain in biomedical or biomechanical terms. To "explain pain, not anatomy" is...

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During this 2-hour Master Class, participants will learn the pathoetiology of central pain syndromes (CPS). Six specific CPS will be described and clinical aspects will be discussed: multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, phantom limb pain, spinal cord injury, poststroke pain syndrome, and...

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Controversies continue to exist regarding safe and appropriate management of people with chronic pain. The "pendulum has swung in the other direction" with respect to the utility, safety, and efficacy of the use of opioids as a key component of chronic pain treatment. It seems to be unclear to many...

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