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Newswise — Veterans who simultaneously take opioids for chronic pain and benzodiazepines for anxiety and insomnia are at an increased risk of unintentional overdose and death as well as suicide.

Nearly 20 veterans kill themselves each day in the United States, a statistic that has led the...

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Beginning in November, Oklahoma doctors may prescribe opioids, but the initial prescription will be for a week and at the lowest dose. Dr. Kevin Taubman, Past President of the Oklahoma State Medical Association, said “The initial legislation was designed to try to avoid that initial huge exposure to...

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A lot of bills are being introduced to combat the opioid crisis. But rather than just focusing on opioids or taking opioids away, we need comprehensive solutions to help manage pain long term. Medicare made several changes in terms of how opioids are prescribed, namely certain hard stops for opioid...

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A study published in Neurology evaluated facial pain presentation from an outpatient clinic in Germany. Headache and facial pain patients completed questionnaires. “Based on these findings, researchers believe that these symptoms could be a facial pain disorder that is not yet well described or...

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Newswire — Federal health officials have so far identified 450 possible cases of severe respiratory illnesses reported after use of e-cigarette products in 33 states, with six deaths. Although more information is needed to determine the cause of the illnesses, there is speculation that least some...

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Rheumatology Leaders and Patient Advocates Convene on Capitol Hill to Advocate for Patient Access to Care, Solutions to Workforce Shortage

ACR Members Urged Federal Lawmakers to Support the Safe Step Act, Empower for Health Act, and the REDI Act During Annual Advocates for Arthritis Event


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The current opioid epidemic has resulted in numerous professional and society guidelines focused on safe opioid prescribing. In addition, policymakers have focused on state legislation to limit the duration of opioid prescribing for acute pain. As a result of the increased scrutiny, prescribers have...

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The CDC guidelines have caused controversy and spurred heated discussion. Produced with a paucity of evidence based medicine, they were never evaluated and iterated in the manner of more appropriate guidelines. In this course, we will examine the guidelines and their effect on practitioners—primary...

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West Virginia continues to lead the nation, and world, in drug overdoses, which makes one ponder as to what is being done at the “ground zero” of the opioid epidemic to save and improve lives. Where else but where it’s “worst” should some of the possible solutions come from? In 2016, an...

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Newswise — Today, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), in partnership with the Spondylitis Association of America (SAA) and the Spondyloarthritis Research and Treatment Network (SPARTAN), released the 2019 Update of the Recommendations for the Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) and...

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